Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
6. Missing class due to school related activities will not be counted as an absence from class. Examples are club meetings or competition, sports activities, testing, guidance conference, etc. Also, time spent In-School Supervision (ISS) will not be counted as an absence. 7. Letters will be mailed to parents after a student has missed five (5) days of school. These letters will request that parents schedule a conference with the school administration concerning their child's school attendance and an attendance plan will be formulated. Long-term absences will be reviewed by the administration. Loss of credit may be appealed to the local school review panel made up of an administrator, guidance counselor and student’s teacher(s). 8. Prior approval for family trips may be excused at the discretion of the principal or his/her assistant (see Prior Approval for Excused Absences for Family Trips Form). Elementary Schools 1. Absences or late arrivals for any of the following reasons shall not contribute to the maximum number of absences allowed by this policy: a. State mandated testing or other school/division testing program; b. Late bus or bus which fails to run; c. Conferences with guidance counselor, administrator, or other related staff members; and d. In-school supervision (ISS). 2. After the fifth (5) absence or excessive number of tardies/early dismissals, an attendance plan may be implemented. 3. Missed assignments resulting from absences must be made up within three (3) school days of returning to school. 4. The school administration on in consultation with the classroom teacher may extend the time limit because of extenuating circumstances. 5. Students who do not bring valid notes or are absent due to suspension or truancy will work with the school administration to make up work missed. 6. Excessive absences may be reviewed at the discretion of the school administration. 7. Parental permission for early dismissal must be presented to school officials on or before the day requested. 8. Absences and tardies for each grading period will be reported to the parent(s)/guardian(s) on the report card. 9. For each student recorded as absent, an attempt will be made to contact the home by the individual school principal or his/her designee. 10. Excessive absences may result in retention. 11. Prior approval for family trips may be excused at the discretion of the principal or his/her assistant (see Prior Approval for Excused Absences for Family Trips Form). General Provisions Each principal will insure that teachers are accountable for the following: a. checking the roll each day in every class, b. communicating with a student's parents if poor attendance is affecting the student's progress and keep a log of those contacts, c. including participation, which may be affected by attendance, in their student evaluation procedures, and d. offering vital, stimulating instruction each day which necessitates and encourages student attendance. Definitions for Disciplinary Actions After consideration of circumstances surrounding an incident, the student’s previous record, the age and development stage of the student, in addition to the safety of the school community, disposition of a case may be selected from the following alternatives which are listed in alphabetical order: Alternative Education Program – In the event a student requires administrative intervention for certain violations of the Student Conduct Code, assignment may be made to an alternative education setting. This allows the continuation of the academic program while counseling and/or other interventions may be employed. Before and After School Detention – A student may be detained for a reasonable period of time before school or after the closing of his/her last scheduled class and may be required during this time to engage in such activities as may reasonably contribute to better behavior. Any student who has been assigned time shall promptly inform
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