Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
his/her parents. Except in unusual circumstances, a student shall be given at least one day’s notice if he/she has been assigned detention time. Behavioral Intervention Plan – A comprehensive intervention plan developed by a special education student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) committee to assist with challenging behaviors. This plan should include positive strategies, program or curricular modifications and supplementary aids and supports required to address the disruptive behaviors in question. Community Service – Authorized work in the building, grounds and/or appropriate services provided by the student to the school or the community. Confiscation – Any item prohibited by the Student Conduct Code or law will be removed from the student’s possession. Court Referral – In case of a drug offense, assault, weapon possession, truancy, or other violation of the Code of Virginia, the student may be taken to court. Expulsion – The immediate and permanent cessation of all services, including Adult Education and the GED program, provided by the School Board of Floyd County. An expelled student is considered a trespasser if that student is present on any School Board property or at any school activity. Functional Behavioral Assessment – A comprehensive approach to analyzing a disabled student’s challenging behaviors. Habitual Offense – A habitual offense shall include but not be limited to situations when a student violates one or more sections of the Student Conduct Code and the school has addressed these behaviors with the student with no marked improvement in the student’s behavior. Individualized Education Plan (IEP) – A written plan designed to address unique needs of the student. This is done on an annual basis by a committee, referred to as the IEP Committee, that consists of the student (if appropriate), special education teacher, regular education teacher, administrator, and any other individual that may be helpful in planning an appropriate program for the student. In-School Disciplinary Program – For some violations of the Student Conduct Code, a student may be removed from his regular schedule of classes and assigned to a classroom for the entire day or a reasonable period of time. Instructional Intervention – When a student experiences repeated problems in school, the school personnel may refer this student to the child study team. The student is counseled and, if necessary, evaluated for alternative placement and educational program modifications. Law Enforcement Agencies – In cases of violations of the Code of Virginia, the Floyd County Sheriff’s Department, Child Protective Services and Juvenile Probation Departments may be included in the disposition. The School Resource Officer usually serves as a liaison for these activities. LEA – The Local Education Agency (LEA) (i.e., Floyd County Schools) Manifestation Determination – A review conducted by the IEP committee to determine the relationship between a child’s disability and the behavior subject to disciplinary action. Mediation/Conflict Resolution – A process led by either student and/or staff mediators in which disputants in a conflict are encouraged to meet and resolve their dispute. Out-of-School Suspension – A student may be suspended for ten (10) days or less or long term for more than ten (10) days but less than 365 days.
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