Floyd Calendar 2019-2020
the school administration to extended absences due to medical reasons as verified by a physician. The procedures outlined under Student Attendance shall be followed in handling student attendance problems. C. Tardiness to class or school is detrimental to the educational progress of students. Appropriate steps to encourage punctuality shall be taken which may include counseling, assignment to detention hall, making up the lost time, parental conferences, placement in the In-School Supervision (ISS) program, or assignment to the After-School Instruction Program (ASIP). D. No student may leave school grounds upon arriving without permission from the office. E. Students who wish to leave school before the end of the school day must follow the procedures established by the school. The school administration at the secondary level reserves the right to excuse or not excuse a student’s absence, tardiness or early dismissal from school. F. Students with long-term or chronic illnesses may be required to furnish a doctor’s excuse to the school principal. G. Recommended dispositions of attendance problems include the following: 1. Student conference 2. Parent contact 3. Conference with parent or guardian 4. Pupil Personnel Services intervention 5. Detention 6. In-school supervision 7. After-school instruction program 8. Law enforcement agencies 9. Court referral High School A. Students (grades 8-12) who bring valid notes for acceptable reasons will be permitted to make up work missed. B. Students who do not bring valid notes or are absent due to suspension or truancy will work with the school administration to make up work missed. C. It is the student's responsibility to see the teacher on the day he or she returns to schedule make-up work. Missed assignments resulting from absences must be made up within three (3) days of returning to school. All work not made up within the time period could be graded zero. Extenuating circumstances, however, may be considered by the principal or his/her designee in extending the time limit for make-up, and extensions shall be liberally granted in order to insure that a student with a valid excuse is allowed to make up missed work. This procedure will also pertain to students participating in a High School to Work Partnership. D. Attendance Policy 1. There will be a limit of ten (10) absences in each class during each semester. Students exceeding the limit for absences will not receive credit for the class regardless of the grade earned. a. students who miss a partial or full day of school while participating in a High School to Work Partnership program will not be counted as absent for the purposes of calculating average daily membership. 2. After the fifth (5 th ) absence or excessive number of tardies/early dismissals, an attendance plan may be implemented. 3. Absences from class and tardies for each grading period will be reported to the parent(s)/guardian(s) on the report card. 4. Excessive absences will be reviewed at the discretion of the school administration and/or the request of the parent. 5. Students who are absent must have a parent contact the school administrative office (i.e. doctor note, phone call, email) stating the reason for the absence.
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