correctly (not meeting benchmark)
the two digit numerals ” ( Chesterfield County Schools, n.d. ) . While looking at the standards, we also had to look at the division - wide common final assessment which was an interview style assess ment as seen below:
Counts by tens and then counts leftovers by ones and wrote the number correctly (meeting bench mark) Uses the knowledge of the number of tens and left overs to tell the total - does not need to recount tens or ones – i.e. child may say: “5 tens and 7 extras makes 57” and wrote the number correctly (exceeding benchmark). Target Benchmark : After grouping objects and writing the numeral, identify the value and the place of each digit in the two - digit numeral. Point to the number they wrote in Part B ask the child to name the number, tell how many tens, ones, and the value of each digit (indicate the child ’ s response in the chart). For this Target Benchmark, students should an swer the place and value questions correctly for a 2 digit number. Students are exceeding the bench mark if they can use flexible thinking with the number 57 (For example, 57 is 5 tens and 7 ones, but it is also 4 tens and 17 ones). Say, “ Is there another way you can group these counters to show 57?” (Chesterfield County Schools, n.d.). As first grade teachers, we taught this using syn chronous and asynchronous teaching methods, and our instructional overview gave us approximately two weeks to cover 1.2 Number Sense. We broke the teaching sessions into the following: (a) group ing objects into sets of tens and ones (4 days); (b) Part C:
Part A:
Target Benchmark : Group objects into sets of tens and ones.
Place 57 counters on the screen in slide form. Ask each child to make groups of ten by manipulating the slide sent to them.
Ask: “ How many tens? ” ________
Ask: “ How many leftovers? ”_______
( Child should do this with ease to meet the bench mark. Child exceeds the benchmark if you notice them grouping quantities by tens in other situa tions – without being asked, as a strategy to figure out a total for large quantities.)
Part B:
Target Benchmark : Write a numeral when looking at a collection of objects grouped by 10s and 1s.
Ask: “ How many altogether? ” ________
Have the child write the number on a whiteboard.
______correct _____ incorrect
Indicate how the child found the total:
Counts all by ones or does not write the number
How many ones? Point to the ones place.
What is the value of this digit? (tens digit)
What is the value of this digit? (ones digit)
How many tens? Point to the tens place.
Names cor rectly
Virginia Mathematics Teacher vol. 47, no. 1
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