writing a numeral (objects in 10s & 1s) (1 to 2 days); and finally (c) identifying the value & place of each digit (objects) (4 days). We spent two synchronous lessons teaching how to group collections of items into groups of tens and ones. As seen in Figures 2a and 2b, this was done by showing the class online how to group objects during a whole class meeting taught using video conferencing. The children had been given whiteboard and markers in packets provided by the school and these tools were valuable for the lessons below. The first lesson (duration of the lesson 15 minutes) allowed the children to explore how they could group objects. Following the main introductory lesson, the mathematics block then was broken down into small mathematics groups where the teacher taught three groups of children, differenti ating the teaching as needed, for 15 minutes each. For the beginning introductory lesson using the overhead projector linked to the Learning Manage ment System, the teacher put down a handful of cubes and asked the children how they would group the objects. This open - ended question al lowed the teacher to see what her class was think ing mathematically in terms of grouping and gave her an informal baseline beginning informative assessment. Lesson One
After exploring grouping in 2s, 5s, and 10s, the teacher guided the children into seeing the im portance of learning to group in tens and how time effective it is compared to other ways of grouping. The teacher then showed slides of different items, as seen in Figures 2a and 2b, and asked the chil dren to help her group these items into groups of tens and leftover ones. After grouping the items, the teacher wrote the written equivalent of the rep resentation. With the introductory lesson completed, the teach er broke the class up into three distinct groups, ac cording to their previous mathematical ability. Asynchronous work that was focused on number sense was assigned to all the children. When the children were not working in the teachers focus groups, they were expected to complete their num ber sense station/activities. Group one included those children that have a sol id number sense. In this group, the teacher revisit ed grouping quickly but showed the children how to write the numbers that correspond to the group ings. So for example, the teacher put 23 items un der the document camera and asked the children to orally tell her how to group the numbers. From this she showed the children how to write the cor responding number when looking at the collection of grouped cubes. When working with materials grouped to represent a two - digit number, a com mon misconception that some students have is counting all objects by ones rather than under
Figure 2a and Figure 2b : Slides for the Place Value Lesson 1 showing how to group a collection of objects into tens and ones .
Virginia Mathematics Teacher vol. 47, no. 1
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