
Figure 1a and Figure 1b: Typical daily slides for daily math review, differentiated by the amount of items shown.

management system (LMS) lessons and embedded weekly directed mathematics videos in this LMS. We also sent home specific place value activities that would supplement the online work through the announcements in the online management sys tem (asynchronous).

teams with mathematical planning and works with groups of children), decided that number talks were vital, and so we embedded place value into the dai ly math routine. By doing this, the children were introduced to place value, as well as seeing an eve ryday application of place value. Figure 1a and 1b show a typical PowerPoint slide for Number Talk and the daily routine that weaved in place value. Place value was thus introduced online synchro nously through teacher - directed math instruction in the first ten minutes of mathematics lesson through daily mathematical review. As an extension, the children were also asked to take pictures of things in their own environment that could be grouped into tens and ones. Weaving place value teaching into the daily number routine gives the children continuous application in the understanding of place value. In the fourth quarter of first grade, the specific Vir ginia Standards of Learning SOL 1.2a for place value states: “ The student will group a collection of up to 100 objects into tens and ones and write the corresponding numeral to develop an understand ing of place value ” (Virginia Department of Educa tion, 2016). In supporting this achievement, Ches terfield County Instructional Overview tasks the children “ to group objects into sets of tens and ones, write a numeral when looking at a collection of objects grouped by tens and ones as well as identifying the value and the place of each digit in Synchronous And Asynchronous Lessons

O: Once - Daily Place Value Math Lesson In COVID

Place value is the foundational cornerstone of mathematical understanding. The O in COVID stands for once - daily place value lessons that were interwoven into daily mathematical review. Place value is an important part of the first grade curriculum in the fourth nine weeks, and number talks continue the children ’ s application of their number sense. Number talks are classroom discus sions facilitated by the teacher that allow the stu dents to build upon their number sense relation ships (Parrish, 2010). In a number talk, the children are given a direct math problem and then asked by the teacher, as a facilitator, to talk about how they solved a problem using mental math. Sherry Parish explained in the book Number Talks that “ The in troduction of number talks is a pivotal vehicle for developing efficient, flexible and accurate compu tation strategies that build upon key foundational ideas of mathematics such as composition and de composition of numbers, our system of tens and the applications of properties ” (Parrish, 2010).

The team, along with the mathematics support teacher (a teacher who specifically supports the

Virginia Mathematics Teacher vol. 47, no. 1


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