
place during these conversations showed how hard the parents were working to support their children. Parents gained a greater understanding of the diffi culties involved in teaching mathematics, while also celebrating the accomplishments of their chil dren when hurdles were cleared. Parents even shared teaching resources that they discovered as they tried to help their children learn. This team work is a “ win/win situation ” that benefitted the children at home and brought me joy as an educa tor. Communication has been a great tool in support ing each individual child ’ s mathematical journey. As the Virginia Department of Education high lighted in the Tips and Strategies for Parental and Family Involvement in Virginia Schools, “ It is commonly acknowledged that one of the most im portant components of student achievement and success is parent involvement. Today ’ s parents– and families–are bombarded with growing de mands, but regardless of their background or cir cumstances, overwhelmingly parents want what is best for their children. Parents are vital partners in their child ’ s education and life success ” (Virginia Department of Education and the Center for Fami ly Involvement at the Partnership for People with Disabilities, 2010). The C in COVID relating to caring for the community and its children can be shown through all the hard work that the commu nity, teachers and children did to make this time a valid educational experience. Educators had to change from in - person teaching to online education in a short period of time. Teachers experienced a steep technology learning curve and rose to the challenge even when faced with the continuing changes in our world. Mathe matics teaching has had to evolve in the elemen tary arena, so that children can continue to attain the Virginia Standards of Learning, while also de veloping their growth in foundational mathematics concepts. How Do Schools Make Math Instruction Work While At Home?

Chesterfield County, VA, the move to online learning has been a whole school effort and brought all our faculty and students together into a cohesive family of learners. Parents were immedi ately able to experience what their children were learning, because they were seeing the teacher teach in real time. The children experienced their teachers and parents trying new online learning platforms to increase mathematical learning. Chil dren too enjoyed the challenge of learning these new technologies. This online move in mathemati cal teaching brought about a novel transfer of knowledge from school, to teacher, to parents, and finally to the child. Directed and purposeful math planning became a critical part of the COVID - 19 successful math teaching. The dialog when meeting with different teams was particularly centered on how to teach the math state standards most effectively in a for mat that was both easily accessible to the parents and understandable to the children. The first grade team and the school administrators met and decid ed that it was important not to overwhelm parents with too much work but to send home targeted teaching videos (asynchronous work), in conjunc tion with online face - to - face teaching (synchronous teaching). Having never before used video communication services or learning man agement systems, the team began meeting online to plan weekly for the children. The first grade team was conscious that many of the children were new to using technology daily, but as the quaran tine continued, all our students received computers to make online learning accessible to everyone. The team asked questions like: How do we differ entiate our mathematical learning? How do we incorporate number talks into our daily mathemat ical routine? How are we going to teach place val ue without manipulatives in the hands of the chil dren? What will the place value assessment look like in terms of synchronous and asynchronous learning? We decided on teaching the essential place value lessons synchronously through online Targeted Math Planning

At A.M. Davis Elementary, a Title I school in

Virginia Mathematics Teacher vol. 47, no. 1


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