Yanfeng Emp Handbook Proof
Should you choose to opt out of benefits but would still like to participate in the FSA, you must manually sign up. You have 30 days from your date of hire to elect and enroll in your benefits program. If you have a medical emergency before your packet arrives, let the doctor know you work with Yanfeng/Adient and provide your name, SSN, and DOB. It may take 4-6 weeks for your insurance cards to arrive.
401K SAVINGS PLAN To assist our employees in planning and shaping their futures, newly hired employees will be automatically enrolled in the plan. With automatic enrollment, 6% of your before- tax pay will be deducted from your paycheck, deposited in your plan account, and invested in a retirement fund with a target date closest to the year you will turn 65. While this benefit is designed to make investing for your future easy, you are not obligated to participate.
VACATION YFAI recognizes that vacations are a valuable benefit designed to provide a time to relax and the opportunity to return to work refreshed. Accordingly, employees are encouraged to use all available vacation time in any given year. Vacation time cannot be transferred from one vacation year to the next vacation year. Every effort is made to accommodate
employee desires with respect to scheduling of vacation time. Your supervisor is responsible for approving any such time.
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