Yanfeng Emp Handbook Proof
Employees that have successfully completed their initial (90) day employment probationary period are eligible for vacation based on the following years of service: Years of Service as of 12/31 of the Vacation Year Vacation Allowance Monthly Accural
1 to 5 Years 5 to 10 Years
80 Hours 120 Hours 160 Hours
6.66 hrs
10 hrs
10+ Years
13.33 hrs
The vacation year will run from January 1st through December 31st. Vacation can be taken in advance of accruing time, but the employee’s vacation balance will reflect a negative balance. *A negative vacation balance will be deducted from the final paycheck. Vacation pay is the employee’s regular rate of pay for the approved time off and generally will be paid on the regularly scheduled payday. Vacation must be taken in a minimum of 4 hour increments. Employees should submit vacation plans/requests to their Supervisor and/or Manager at least 48 hours in advance of the requested vacation date. The Supervisor and/or Managers are responsible for ensuring adequate staffing levels. The earlier the vacation request, the more likely the vacation request can be accommodated. Pre- planning of absences due to doctor’s or personal appointments versus calling in the day of the appointment will greatly help with the staffing of your department and assure you that vacation time off can be granted. Plant leadership representatives have the right to deny the vacation request should personnel levels fall below manning requirements. Shutdown YFAI anticipates shutting down the plant each year to coincide with its Customers' shutdown. When this happens, YFAI will give all employees as much advance notice as reasonably possible. YFAI reserves the right to require the use of five (5) vacation days during scheduled customer downtime as is standard throughout our industry. YFAI will make every attempt to communicate this well in advance. Vacation Time for New Hires New employees begin to accrue paid vacation immediately but may not take any vacation until their 90 day introductory period has been satisfied. For employees with less than one year of service, they will be credited with the following vacation entitlement based on their hire date. This schedule is based up on a date of hire on or before the fifteenth (15 th ) of each month. If the date of hire is after the fifteenth (15 th ), accruals would be based on the following chart:
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