Westminster Presbyterian Church Centennial Books
Dr. Pat, and he was never called Dr. Patterson, just Dr. Pat, was a legend here in Bluefield. With his solid white hair, his very distinct speaking voice, he was admired by many for his wisdom, grace, kindness, and loving countenance. Linda Lynch recalls that Dr. Pat would love to stand outside near the church steps and catch the children who
would jump in to his arms. Pat Hoge recalls that Dr. Pat taught her how to swim. The story goes that at one point, Dr. Pat wanted to buy a new car, and he wanted a red car, not a red sports car, just a “ red ” car, but he wasn ’ t sure that it would be appropriate for a church pastor to own such a thing as a “ red car. ” Speaking of cars, Catherine Gillespie recalls that on Sunday evenings, Dr. Pat would often take church young people with him when he would travel to Bramwell, where he would speak at their Presbyterian Church. She vividly remembers praying the entire time in that car, that they would arrive safely, because he was driving significantly faster than she had wished.
Under the banner of Westminster Medical
Missions we have gone to many countries in Africa, Central America, and the Caribbean. Many of our team
members have become doctors, dentists, oral
surgeons, but all of us have been changed. When we are told to visit the sick, widows, and orphans, or to give a cup of water or to not merely hear the word but actually do something about it, it really does change us to actually go and do.
Dr. Bill Harden
Dr. Patterson ’ s 26 very fruitful years at Westminster – the longest in our history – ended with his retirement in 1972 at the mandatory age of 75. After his retirement, he would continue to live in the manse, and would then serve Bramwell Presbyterian Church. Once again, we see God at work, don ’ t we? It ’ s not about us. It ’ s not about a building – or three of them But God has used his people here at Westminster, and through the giving and sacrifice, we have three great buildings where just about every square inch is still being used on a very regular basis. And we have lives that have truly been changed because of the work and power of the Holy Spirit. And that concludes Chapter Three of -- Our Story, Your Story, His Story .
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