Westminster Presbyterian Church Centennial Books

Chapter Four

As we begin Chapter Four of Westminster ’ s 100 Year History, we ’ re

going to start out with some miscellaneous random details.

One of the advantages of telling our story for more than just one installment, it gives us the chance to tie up some loose ends. But, as you can imagine, we can ’ t mention everything. If we leave out some important detail from your perspective, I ask your forgiveness. I think it ’ s fascinating to know that, at one time, no one sat in the upstairs balcony. That ’ s where cleaning supplies were stored. And that may explain why in the photographs we ’ ve seen that the downstairs is always full. When did Wednesday night meals start? Well, after the Fellowship Hall was built, why not share a meal together? This started under Dr. Pat, and it was once a month. Under Rev. Bixler, it became every week, and the Wednesday night program was now called the 7:27 Hour, because that was the time things were supposed to come to an end. Before the days of email and podcasts, Westminster stayed abreast of activities with a weekly publication titled, “ The Link. ” The floor of the Fellowship Hall originally had shuffleboard grids on it. No one ever remembers anyone playing shuffleboard on it, but it was there.

To all who have, who are, and who will continue to pour themselves into the lives of children and youth at Westminster in order to train them in the ways they should go, thank you!

David Olive

And then there ’ s the Union Misson, Bluefield ’ s absolutely wonderful, outreach ministry that has helped thousands of folks from our neck of the woods. This was started in 1931, and Westminster was one of the churches that was a part of that beginning.

Jesus is the greatest listener and the more closely we follow Jesus, the more we become like Him. In fact, our likeness to Him can often be seen by the simple and loving act of listening.

Westminster had a cabin in Bland County for youth activities.

Craig Hammond

There was an active Scouting program here. You may recognize Lindsey Grubb Barilla standing in this photo.


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