Westminster Presbyterian Church Centennial Books
Ah, the importance of group photos. This is probably the last group shot that was taken of Westminster ’ s charter members, 1973, at the 50 th anniversary. This photo was taken in Patterson Chapel before the massive renovations.
Dr. Pat was a “ gentle giant, ” and when he would invite me into his office, I felt like I was experiencing a little piece of heaven. Corky Sarver, Jim Godwin, and a plethora of faithful leaders and teachers poured into our lives … We weren ’ t the “ perfect ” family like so many thought we were. What family is? And WPC wasn ’ t the “ perfect ” church. What church is? But I believe I can speak for all of us in saying that our faithful foundations with our family and our church led us to our Savior over and over again.
Corky Saver at a reception in honor of Dr. Pat, 1987 You can ’ t talk to too many folks who were here during that era and not hear the name of Corky Sarver, father of Steve, and uncle to Pete. It ’ s hard to put into words, the dynamic outreach and ministry that took place under his leadership, especially with a group of junior high students, called Pioneers -- that sometimes totaled up to one
hundred young people. Laura Rush reflects that Corky had “ a deep love and understanding of young people – their complexities, struggles and needs. He especially recognized their need to be loved and accepted, and he taught this was found in salvation through Jesus Christ. ” Laura also recalls the ministry of Jim Godwin, “ When I think about Jim Godwin I think of a man larger than life. He had a soulful laugh and always had an encouraging word for everyone. ” For many years, Dr. Pat, Corky Sarver, and Jim Godwin organized Junior Camp, a summer camp for elementary - age students. Junior high school age students served as Junior Counselors. It was held at the 4 - H Camp in Fayette County. Young people from numerous Presbyterian churches in southern West Virginia gathered together for a week of fun, fellowship, and Bible study. The campfires at night were especially moving with singing, testimonies, and youth professing their faith in Jesus Christ for the first time.
Beth Walker Dotson
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