3. Maximum budget of no more than $30,000 to include everything. Since 1099 no benefits. 4. Committee has 30 days to review the candidates the applications and narrow it down to 3 or 4 to interview and bring back to the spring meeting to hire somebody. Allen Brennen 2 nd . Walt Bailey said this will be an evolving position and may change along the way. Jeff Flippo asked if the committee would be putting in a minimum number of hours per week say 10-15 to balance out the $30,000. Walt said his thoughts would be keep under 32 or 24 hours per week. Dickie Harris said they were thinking around $500.00 per week which would come to $25,000 per year and this Ken Brown reported that the Fashion show will be held on March 16, 17 at the Richmond Raceway. He has 5 names. This is a Southern Women’s show that brings thousands and is a family event. They are doing a Firefighters fashion show and the firefighters will come down the catwalk in their station uniform and then again in their bunker gear. The can hamm it up as much as they want. People will be putting money in the boots but will not touch anyone. It is up to the individual how much to take off waist up, but ladies must have on workout clothes underneath. Will be on the catwalk for 20 to 25 minutes. The promoters are looking at this as being an annual event. Possibly will be wearing new bunker gear. It will be held Friday at 6:00 pm and Saturday at 4:00 pm. Walt Bailey said that in Lynchburg there is a group that do a calendar every year of both male and female. They do the catwalk and females dress in 50’s attire and the males in fire gear and they sell 1000’s of these calendars. Do you want to reach out to this group of 36 and see if they would come and do this? After a discussion it was decided to reach out to this group and they can do this show with our members. Pete Kirby said to check your email there was a flyer that was made and sent out via email. Outreach Calling and Frontline Support Jimmy Byer report that Frontline Support should not be making any more calls on our behalf and Outreach Calling can do so until April 12. Letters have been sent to both groups. If you get any calls after April 12 let him know and he will see what he can do about it. VA Firefighter Transfer Proposal Pete Kirby reported that Loudoun County wants to create a program to allow for fighters to transfer from between their home departments to volunteer fire departments in their college towns, with the idea they can continue to ride and keep their training up to date for when they return home. Pete met with Karen McQuaid about this proposal and found out that Loudoun County is creating this to protect their interest in training firefighters. Pete said this idea has merit and has a lot that needs to be ironed out. What the question is does this Association want to support this? After a discussion Larry Gwaltney said they could put this proposal on the website with contact information for Karen McQuaid and use this as a reference for departments that may be interested in this program. Jimmy asked Pete if he would get with Karen and see if this may help and get with Larry and he will added it to the website. Office Depot/Office Max Sandy Byer reported that everything is ready to go. Went to our website and clicked on the link and then clicked on one of the Apps to register. Within 15 minutes I has my username and password. Then I was able print off my card and take it to any office max/office depot and will get discounts. Once we get $25,000 in sales then VSFA will start getting a profit. Any department and members can register. Big ticket items such as computers and copiers you will have to contact them. would leave $5,000 for travel expenses per year. After other discussions this motion was approved. Family Fashion Show
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