Dues Collection Jimmy Byer reported that Scott Cain said that as of now 4 departments have paid their dues since our 11/04 meeting. He is working on getting the dues sent out for 2018-2019. David Bailey’s Office Selling Ads Ken Brown reported that David Bailey has people selling ads for his purpose and is offering for them to contact and sell ads on our behalf at a 20% commission basis. Ads will be approved by us before they will sell them. If we have any contacts all we have to do is let them know and they will pursue it. After a discussion Larry Gwaltney made a motion that we work on getting David Bailey authorization to sell website ads at a 20% commission upon receipt of a written contract with David Bailey and Associates and our association spelling out the details of who to sell to. Needs to be a written contract and not by word of mouth. Charlie Singleton 2 nd . Ken is to get with David Bailey and write up the contract and the President and 3 Vice Presidents will agree that it is ok, and the President will sign and send to David Bailey. Jimmy then called for question, motion was approved. New Business: President Byer thanked the church ladies auxiliary group for the wonderful lunch meal provided to us. Joint Conference with VAVRS Jimmy reported that VAVRS wants us to get the blessing from the Committee to start looking at a joint conference for 2019. Dickie Harris said this might be the best thing to happen for both of us. Ken Brown said he wants to make sure the Association is 100% behind this. If we are going to do this, we need to say yes and there may need a name change and schedule changes and so on. We need to know right now so we are not a year or so down the road with all these meetings and planning and we back out. After a discussion Charlie Singleton made motion that we go with VAVRS on a joint Conference in 2019. Allen Brennen 2 nd . Pete Kirby said there is a lot of interest in a joint conference, with vendors, VAVRS members, and departments would not have to send their people to several conferences, but to one. Walt Bailey suggested to Explore the idea, and Larry Gwaltney do we really want to do a joint conference or do separate conference at the same time and place. After much more discussion, Jimmy said that there will be 4 on a committee for the Association, Jimmy Byer, Ken Brown, Pete Kirby and Larry Gwaltney. They will also have 4. Jimmy said that VAVRS are looking at a total 50-50 conference. Jimmy Byer then called for question, motion was approved. No opposed. Jimmy reported that there will be a meeting tomorrow with VAVRS and he, Larry and Pete will be there. They want to have a meeting every month or every 6 weeks to meet and get this up and going. We will be a report back at the next meeting. Dues Collection – No report Communications New members – No new members to report right now. Scott worked on a letter to send out to non-departments and had done so. Delinquent Members – Had 4 who are now current. Comments: Ken Brown reported about fire magnets that we handed out last year at the convention. Do we want to continue with this again this year? They were given out to district reps to take back to their districts to hand out to the departments. After a discussion the decision was made to go ahead and do it without a motion.
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