Chiefs conference wait and do that at our conference in August. Ken Brown suggested they could sell the coins and polo shirts that we sell now at conference. President Byer will get with Dale Jamison and have him contact Chip to see how many coins he has left over and where he can order them from. Ken Brown also stated if any are to be bought this would have to be approved now for February. The Ken went on to asked about Chip about the prices on the backdropped. Chip said making the display more colorful was running 80.00 to 125.00 depending on graphics you want. Have only a couple of estimates and would need to know what would work as per say colors, background, banner, design. Ken ask could if we could approve not to exceed a certain amount. Chip said it would cost a $1000.00 for a standard board. Ken Duck said that for an economy model board full color you can get for $200.00. President Byer suggested Chip get with Kevin since he knows and has purchased several of these boards. He then called for a consensus of those present for purchasing a new board. Claude Owens made a motion not to exceed 750.00 for a new display board and Ken Brown 2 nd . Unanimous by the 9 Executive Committeemen present and President Byer will send this out to the ones absent for their vote. Motion was approved by the ones not present. After a discussion of purchasing challenge coins, Kevin Duck made a motion to purchase 250 challenge coins, Chip Hart 2 nd . Unanimous by the 9 Executive Committeemen present and President Byer will send this out to the ones absent for their vote. Do to the decision of not selling coins at the Chiefs conference, President Byer did not pole this motion any further. Safer Grant – Ken Brown reported that he would like to see a Safer Grant put in for a retention. We could to a retention grant for several millions and all individual members of each department this money will be put in for 3 years which could be up to 60.00 per year. With this grant we could construct a module to have a program to help with capturing a way for name members of department. Grant is due in February and have our Executive Director find a grant underwriter in case we do not get it. Ken would like to have a committee appointed to look into this and have meetings via phone. Would like to see Kevin Duck Chair, Scott Cain Co Chair, Larry Gwaltney, Ken Brown, Dickie Harris on the committee. Would like for this committee to search this out and bring back to membership. Multiview – President Byer said Larry Gwaltney contacted him and regarding the ads and have only 1 current ad for 4 years and they get right much out of this the question is, do we have still a contract with them? Ken Brown said this ad is on- going and will be renewed every year until we tell them 6-9 months ahead of time, we are not doing it any more. President Byer asked what should we do, keep them or do away with them? Larry suggests we do away with multi view ads. President Byer will get with Larry to check into this not sure where the contact is or what it says. Ken said have him get with Pete Kirby or Jeff Flippo they both have copies. President Byer will get with Larry and have him find out what the contact says about canceling Multi view ads and bring back to our next meeting. Membership: Ken Brown reported we have all these different memberships in the bylaws and we will be reviewing them. Ken wanted to see if there is anyway to have memberships with the regional associations since they touch a lot of people in their communities it may help them and us. After a discussion it was decided to get the contacts of the presidents of the Associations and invite them to a meeting. Kevin Duck and Dickie Harris are to email President Byer the names of these people who are presidents of the regional associations and he will contract them for a meeting. Executive Directors Duties & Evaluation: Ken Brown wanted to let it be said up front anything being said here is not about Larry Gwaltney, it is about whom ever it may be in this position of Executive Director. Concerns: Job description for this position is long and lengthy and how does he know what is important? At the end of the 1 st year we will do an evaluation on what has been done and what is the most important of these
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