
Unfinished Business Fireball Whiskey : Jeff Flippo/Mike Mascolia – President Byer said he checked with Mike and he had not received any money from Fireball Whiskey fundraiser. Mike said he has sent the information out again to the gentleman that Jeff had been in contact with. President Byer will get with Jeff to check on this again. Lawyer Services : Mike Masciola- President Byer apologized that he forgot to mention this to Mike. He did say there is a guy in his dept that would talk to us if we need his services for a fee. He will get with Mike to see what the fee would be if we would need advice on matters. Ken Brown said don’t’ we have something from the Joint Committee that needs reviewed. President Byer said according to Larry in an email a lawyer is looking at that. Ken said we need to put the Lawyers fee into the budget. President Byer will check on these issues and report at the next meeting. Membership Integration Program : Scott Cain/Sandy Byer – Scott sent an email and he reported that the software Wild Apricot that Larry Gwaltney signed up for a demo will not work with our membership integration updates based on our current website. Scott said he is working with his IT connection to develop a program that would work for us and is reaching out to another outfit in Texas. Scott said he will update the report at the spring meeting. President Byer said he made Scott chairman of this committee going forward on this project. DFP Grant : President Byer reported that Larry Gwaltney has sent the report to VDFP for the grant. Magnets for next years’ conference : Ken brown reported that these are free, our logo and advertisement is in the areas they do ads for. If we decide to do this next year, he would like to insist they make our divisions their divisions. Make this as a stipulation. Kevin duck said since they are asking to do it for a third year, they are obviously making some money and we need to see if we can get some money from this. Lloyd Goddard said there is a medical supply place in Petersburg said they are very useful in their area for the elderly who do not have smart phones. Ken reported they need to know soon so they can start selling the ads as soon as possible in order for them to have them ready for him to take to the conference. Kevin duck said if they are willing to share the income it would be worth doing. President Byer said they need to get some for all districts to distribute not just a few. If they give us revenue and divide into our districts, we will go with the magnets again. This was a consensus of the ones present. New Business President Byer thanked the church ladies auxiliary group for the wonderful lunch meal provided to us. Bylaw review – Jeff, Chip, - Jeff Flippo wanted to know what Ken Brown wanted them to look at pertaining to the bylaws. President Byer asked Ken if he will get with Jeff and go through and make sure areas of the bylaws make sense and what areas need to be updated. Association t-shirts for 2019 – Chip hart asked what will the Conference name be for 2019? Ken said Virginia First Responders. Ken if anyone knows anyone who may be interested in coming to the conference and making conference shirts let someone on the souvenir committee know. Ken brown asked if we are going to chief conference with same amount of people and are we going to sell anything at the conference? President Byer said we are going to the Chief conference like always and it would be up to the guys that go as to whether they are willing to sell items. Chip said he has inventory but does not have a count and would need the amount he can spend today in order to get the shirts and they run anywhere from $7.50 to $12.50 per shirt with the logo. Dickie Harris suggested not to sell the conference shirts at the

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