EMS Contest : Sandy Byer Report that we had our last EMS contest at conference due to joining with VAVRS. Hall of Fame/Awards : Dickie Harris reported to be nominated for the Hall of Fame must be someone who had done exceptional work for the association. FF year, vendor of the year, Fire Chief awards are from your departments. Applications and requirements are on the website. Rules & Contests : Jimmy Byer reported we had 10 teams this past year. We know why it is down and have already had a meeting trying to increase the numbers next year. Volunteers are getting fewer all the time and that is why we don’t have that many teams Competing. Departments don’t have enough volunteers to come to conference to compete and answer calls in their coverage areas. We are going to try changing the bylaw to let 2 or more departments join together to form a team. Hopefully this will help Souvenir Sales: Chip Hart/Tommy Austin/Gary Allred – Chip Hart reported he had not had chance to talk with Gary on how much money was made at the conference. Chip said he has been given the task on coming up with finding a different way of doing things. He said he should be able to give a report at the next meeting. He also had been tasked with finding demographic designs and need instruction on how much money to spend on our conference and others we may attend. Not sure how much money was made on the coins. Talked to younger crowd about shirt’s at our last conference and most of the younger crow d wants t-shirts. Chip said he has 3 or 4 designs for the back of t-shirts he will bring to the next meeting. Dickie Harris suggested to do a conference t-shirt. President Byer said his spoke with a gentleman from Pennsylvania who sold t-shirts at VAVRS conference and you can get any kind of t-shirts from him. Mr. Byer has tried to get his to come to our conference before, but had a conflict with the date, but he was going to try and come this year. He will call him to see if he is planning on coming to the conference this year, so this will help Chip on what to plan. Ken Brown said he would like for Chip to continue to look at modification or replacement of display board to enhance it with current and eye grabbing information and for Chip to bring some ideas and cost to the next meeting. Ken reported the challenge coins were great and Dale did a good job on these and would like to suggest the sales of the coins be transferred over to the souvenir committee and Chip report to the finance committee and our meetings. Dale did a super job on the challenge coins. Training: Wayne Grimsley – Wayne & his wife stopped by before the meeting to say hi on his way to VT game. Truck Rodeo : Allen Brennan/Frank Wright – Allen is still sick, and Frank was supposed to be here. Carol Stickley said that Frank’s wife Terry broke her hip when they attended the funeral for Mr. Bakers on Thursday. Vendors : Steve Zeliff – No report. Had a few more venders this year than in past Communications VSFA Communications : None Membership Update : Sandy Byer read an email from Scott Cain - Current year to date we received dues from 247 member departments issuing out 8,704 membership cards for a total of $44,585.00 dues paid. We recently sent out a 3 rd notice so this has been generating 3-5 membership checks per week. President Byer and Larry Gwaltney have the update district rep listings of members and non-members with a new update forthcoming mid- month. When we get this report President Byer will send out to district Reps. After this year Membership cards will not be sent with dues. Scott is just using up what he has. Applications for Membership : No new applications received for membership per Scott Cain.
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