
Dickie reported raising the ATL money from 1 percent to 1.4 percent. Will adopt a proposal to do this and protect DFP funds. Dickie could not stress anymore that everyone needs to have a plan in place in order to get this passed. It will take everyone getting with their Delegates and having this conversation. They also talked about fireworks bill and trying to keep this out in front of the General Assembly that we are not in support of. Ken Brown suggested that we have our executive director attend this meeting and Have him to get written minutes send out to everyone to keep us aware and informed. President Byer said he will get with him and have him to do this and to do the same with all meetings he attends. Dickie reported that the Fire council hosted this meeting and has done so for the last 6 to 10 years and they will send the list of attendees the breakdown and to what this committee is going to do. President Byer asked Dickie as soon as he gets this to send it to him and he will email it to everyone. Nominating: Dickie Harris no report. NVFC Directors : Ken brown reported their last meeting was September 18-22 in North Dakota. Next meeting April 25-27 in Alexandria and is opened to anyone who wants to attend. NFVC have a cancer task force group and there is a lot of national movement, and good source of information. If you go to the website, you will see the number of suicides and the number of our people who are suffering from depression and other things. On their website you will find a number for 24- hour assistance. Remind everyone that they can become a member of NVFC for ½ price by using the code VSFA link on our website. Grant, make me a Firefighter is being offered. Not a lot of people in Virginia using it. It has literature and you put your add your departments information on it. Was done with safer grant. Just received a $3.2 million grant on recruitment and Ken chaired this committee. If you have any questions let him know. Recruitment and Retention : Lee Day No report Scholarship: Sandy Byer read thank you card from Benjamin Morrison 2018 Scholarship recipient. Ken Brown said we need to make sure we don’t go into another conference not knowing how much money we have for scholarships. SHMERAC Committee : Lee Day No report VA Fire Services Board: Walt Bailey did not submit a report. VOLSAP – Dickie Harris/Ken Brown – Dickie was just reappointed for another term. Trying to jump start the VOLSAP program. Dickie said he and Ken are on Board with 6 or 7 others trying to represent fire and ems and to protect the fund. No meetings set yet. Dickie Just receive word of reappointment last week. Convention Reports Convention: Jimmy Byer gave conference report in absence of Larry Gwaltney. The full report will be attached to these minutes. Balance in the checking account in April 2018 was $3,124.00. Total attendance for the 2018 conference was 650. Offered 29 Training classes and were able to identify 199 attendees. Received $8,000 from VDFP in form of a Conference & Education Grant to help offset expenses for these classes. Leaving the balance of $5,746.26 in the conference fund for 2019. Results from all contests, truck rodeo, EMS contest and scholarship recipients have been posted on the VSFA website. Checkbook, bank statements and receipts are available for review. President Byer stated this has been the first time he had seen a report from the conference since he had been here. Mr. Reilly stated that he did not want to see grant money from VDFP paid back like this past year. Pay close attention what the expenses are and keep your receipts, he was sure the money was spent on what it was supposed to have been for, just did not have the receipts to reflect that.

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