
Fire Prevention : Jeff Flippo Agritourism committee – Jimmy Byer reported that Jeff has been on the Agritourism committee since Virginia Tech started it up trying to get some rules and regulations on agriculture buildings that are being used to house venues. They have had 4 meeting to draft language to make these building safe. All request of this committee is “falling on death ears” even to install fire extinguishers, emergency white lights, exit signs, etc. The industry feels all is well and these changes will cut into “small” prof its and after all, “there has been no incidents….”. Jeff said that all he can suggest at this time if you have any of these facilities in your areas, work with them and educate them in fire safety practices. Maybe they will at least install fire extinguishers and exit lights to give occupants a fighting chance in case of a fire or emergency. President Byer said he was sent a draft of what they are sending to legislative to look over and it was very well written and may have a chance to get something passed. Bonnie Atwood said this is high priority and David Bailey is working with the fire prevention committee. Investments Report: President Byer gave an Investment report in absence of Steve Ennis who is now the Chairman of that committee. Steve sent a report which was given out to the ones in attendance. Ken Brown reported that he will be in close ties with investment committee and that with the new reporting Steve will be able to project withdrawals for the future and will have better coordination between the 2 committees. Ken requested Steve or someone to be on the finance committee be on the investments. President Byer reported he has asked Mike to sit down and figure out how much he will need for the next 6 months and get with the finance committee so they can start working on this. Ken requested that Steve Ennis or someone from the Investment committee be at the meeting on December 2. Liaison VSFCA : Kevin Duck attended the Chiefs annual retreat in Staunton Oct 26 and 27. Big in cancer prevention. Took some of the 585 million to form a task force (swift water, Hazmat, tech teams, etc.) to look at how many teams do we have, where are they, and is the money being utilized for these teams. Foundation will be holding 5k next fall in Williamsburg. Their 2019 conference is now open for registrations. Vendor registration is 94 percent full. 50 instructors signed up for about 80 classes. Will have 8 hot classes this year. National fallen firefighter memorial before 1981 there are no bricks and the Chief Association is looking into funding the 50 that need bricks and the cost will be 5,000. One family of a fallen firefighter is stepping up and sending 500.00 donation towards this. Kevin asked if VSFA would consider a donation to help with funding, since our members will be recognized as well. President Byer said this will be put in minutes to vote on next meeting. Mr. Reilly wanted to make a clarification that the committee the fire chiefs are working on is sponsored by VDEM and they are looking at organizing these teams, so they are not duplicated throughout the Commonwealth. Legislative: Dickie Harris reported they had a Stakeholders meeting yesterday in Oilville as to what to introduce in the general assembly this year. Dickie reported that with his years of working with the General Assembly the House of delegates is where your influence in needed. He came out of meeting yesterday with several proposals that they will be working on. Professional firefighters Association wants to reintroduce the cancer bill where certain cancers will be covered. This is a movement not only Statewide but also nationwide. Board of housing and fire services board – trying to get the Board of Housing to relinquish the fire code. Will keep working on this and it was recommended 20 years ago with the Blue Ribbon Report. Will request a JLAC study. EMS is concerned with the cost to train personnel continues to go up. Mike Reilly reported that in the City of Harrisonsburg, it costs them $9000.00 to train firefighter to paramedic since they have gone away with the Intermediate level. They are wanting Office of EMS to come up with some money to help the Community Colleges with the cost since that is the standard. Office of EMS gets their money from the 4 for life. They engaged with the conversation for 15 to 20 minutes and pretty much said no, thought the level of Paramedic was not really needed in many localities, 80 percent of the calls an AEMT can handle.

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