Committee Reports: Auxiliary Liaison : Since the passing of Tommy, Pete Kirby found someone who is willing to fill this position, Phil Sica. President Byer said he will contact Mr. Sica.
By-Laws: Mr. President reported that John Blosser was in hospital and Jeff was not here and they have not had a chance to work on the bylaws. Chip Hart said he was waiting for them to assign him the part of the bylaws they want him to go over and come up with recommendations. Mr. Byer said he will get them John and Jeff. President Byer also asked Ken Brown if he will help with this since he got this started in helping to update the bylaws. We need to have some of this ready to present at our next meeting. CFSI Coordinator : Steve Ennis no report Communications/Website: No Report due to Scott Cain and Larry Gwaltney absent. EMS Advisory Board/Emergency Medical Services Committee: EMS Advisory Board – Eddie Ferguson currently Deputy Chief with Goochland county fire and rescue. Thanked everyone for their confidence in him being appointed to the EMS Advisory board. He has been in Fire & EMS as Volunteer and career since age of 16. He said EMS motivates him. Byron Andews did a superb job and well respected across the state. Mr. Ferguson said he wants to hear from us as to what we need. What issues are good for everyone across the state. 1 st meeting will be next week at the Symposium in Norfolk. 2 action items that they are predicting to be on the agenda: 1. Slate of Officers for new positions being filled on the Advisory Board. 2. Scope of practiced from the medical Direction Committee maybe adding Tranexamic Acid (TXA) to scope of practice for the AEMT’s. TXA is a medication infusion giving to patients to help with the clotting of blood for trauma patients. Has been around for a long time and gained momentum from the Military. Office EMS received 202 RSAF grant applications requesting 14 million in funding with around 4 million to give out. Financial Assistance committee has met and will be going over some during symposium. Need to keep an eye on the makeup of the Advisory board. Trauma system was in 2015 reviewed and the Office of EMS appointed a trauma system plan task force. The look at it from prevention all the way to rehabilitation and back to quality of life. This is a huge responsibility for EMS they are responsible for trauma and site reviews across the state. The decided to keep the trauma plan in the EMS System. They plan to add a couple of positions to the EMS advisory board to accommodate more representation for the Trauma side. Mr. Ferguson reported there will be a bylaw change that will be discussed and reviewed in this meeting next week and will come back up in February. Main thing there are 1000’s of hours of CE classes that could be added with the fire classes. Suggested that we get EMS CE for fire classes need to talk with Kathy at VAVRS or Debbie Akers with EMS. One other thing – he was asked to serve as vice chair of Advisory board and will chair the transportation committee will chair for EMS on vehicle grants. Finance: Ken Brown will be setting up a conference call at 7:00 pm on December 2, which is a Sunday evening for the finance committee to meet. Anyone who wants to be on it let him know and he will send you the call information and will email reports they will be going over. Ken reported that at the last meeting we accepted for David Bailey to solicit ads on our behalf has this happened yet? Ken said his understanding was that David was waiting on information from us. Who is going to take charge of this for us? He would solicit any ads for 20% and did not specify whether for conference, website, etc. Bonnie said she will follow up on Monday with David Bailey if needed. Ken reported we got an excellent breakdown on conference budget this year which will also become a part of our operating budget and December 2 will have a new format.
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