
VSFA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: November 3, 2018 Location: Charlottesville, VA The meeting was called to order by President Jimmy Byer at 10:05 am. Sandy Byer led the group in prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call : Sandy Byer, Assistant Secretary had Roll Call since there is no quorum, the meeting will continue and if there is anything that is voted President Byer will poll the rest of the committee and will let everyone know the decision. Approval of Minutes as Distributed : Minutes from August- Executive and Business meetings will need to be approved at the next meeting due to no quorum for approval. Additions/Deletions to Agenda : Ken Brown added the Safer Grant program to the agenda. Treasurer’s Report : Jimmy Byer reported that Mike Masciola emailed everyone a treasurer’s report and if you have any questions please contact Mike. Introduction of Guests: President Byer welcomed Mike Reilly Department of Fire Programs Director, Carol Stickley, President of Virginia State Ladies Auxiliary and Bonnie Atwood, David Bailey’s Associate to the meeting. Bonnie Atwood – introduced herself and she is affiliated with David Bailey Associates. She brought some magazines with her that has a very nice write up of one of our own, Charlie Singleton. She reported she went to summit meeting yesterday and they worked on upcoming Legislative issues. Mike Reilly VA Dept of Fire Programs – in Office 10 months, been challenging but positive. Filled 2 key positions Director of Training and Director of State Fire Marshall Law Enforcement Academy. Spoke on secondary locking devices for schools. Working on changing some of the verbiage for fireworks. Having problems with individuals using these fireworks that are highly explosive. 1031 test is now corrected. Pro Board test bank is out of the book that students will study. Mr. Reilly spoke of the aid to locality and how it is split up among DFP and the localities. Mr. Reilly spoke on the 31 million aid to localities and how the money is split, 9 million for DFP and 75 percent of this goes to training. VDEM (Hasmat) took over 585,000 without his authorization for Hazmat training and he got it reversed. DFP has 150,000 for training mini grants for Departments. President Byer thank Mr. Reilly for the grant he provided for training at our conference in August. Ken Brown thanked Mr. Reilly for support of him and his staff. Went to stakeholders in Farmville with new training officer who is career oriented and no volunteer affiliation. Ken asked is there is any way in the future there could be a volunteer voice in the group on this committee when working up curriculum for volunteers as well as career. Mr. Reilly reported he came from a combination department and the volunteers do need a voice on this committee. In the processed in hiring a curriculum developer. Mental Health is one of the issues we are facing today and will make sure this is developed with the Volunteers in mind. Carol Stickley – President Byer welcomed Carol to the meeting. She reported they had their zone meeting on October 1st in Fredericksburg. Had a really good meeting and turnout.

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