job duties? After a lengthy discussion President Byer told Ken he has the idea and for him to sit down and write up what he wants to see on the evaluation and he will send out to district reps. Let them look it over and if it is ok then we can set a date for the President and Vice Presidents to meet with Larry. But I have been having a hard time getting all of us together. Sandy said she can scan the signed contract in and email it out. Chip Hart asked if we were paying the $800.00 for a booth at the Chiefs conference. President Byer said at the Fire Chiefs association we get a booth free. Kevin Duck said when Chip started talking about selling at the Chief Conference, he emailed Chris and what we usually get is a professional services booth, and he will check to see what the rules are. Kevin said this could be the difference of a free booth and an $800.00 booth. Chris will get back with Kevin and he will let someone know. Benediction & Adjournment : • Sandy Byer led a closing prayer. • The next business meeting will be held March 30, 2018 at 10:00 am in Charlottesville. An email will be sent to everyone as time gets closer. • President Byer adjourned the meeting at 1:50 pm. Respectfully submitted, Sandy Byer, Assistant VSFA Secretary
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