Truck Rodeo: Frank Wright reported you must attend the drivers Breakfast on Saturday at 7:00 am, same place as last year and will start the rodeo at 9:00 am. If you do not attend the breakfast you cannot drive. Will have the ladies’ competition again this year. Rules & Contest: Jimmy Byer reported that we need help Saturday morning in getting the tower up. Possibly will have 10-12 teams competing. Meeting will be held Friday at 3:00 to go over a new contest to possible replace the truck with since insurance wants us to look at a different way to do this contest because people getting hurt coming off the truck. Will start the contest Saturday morning at 9:00 am. EMS Contest: Sandy Byer reported the Captains meeting for the EMS Contest will be today at 4:00 pm and the contest will be at 10:00 am on Friday. Souvenir Sales: Larry Gwaltney reported that Sonny Austin and Chip Hart will be in the VSFA Souvenir Booth with golf shirts. There is also a T-Shirt vendor in our booth as well selling all kinds of t-shirts. The challenge coins will be there for sale. Emily Fitchem will be there also greeting people and handing out cards. Liaison VSFCA: Kevin Duck gave a report on several golf tournaments the Chief Association will be having in September, October and November. They also have a booth downstairs stop by and see them. As for the dates for any event they are scheduling everything is listed on their website. NFVC Directors: Ken Brown reported we have a opportunity to become a member of the NVFC half price which is 15.00 since we are a member of VSFA. Have several benefits that is listed on website. Next meeting in Bismarck, ND in September. Mental Health training and make me a firefighter is located there. Most of the training is free and some has a low fee. Have information on Cancer and the Fire Service. If you have any questions let Ken know. He also has the fire magnets for several areas. If your area is listed on these please stop by VSFA booth and however many boxes you need. Fire Prevention: Jeff Flippo reported he continues to work with the Agritourism situation and fire codes in the state. Both groups have pledged their support. 2 nd Roll Call - Sandy Byer had the 2 nd roll call of member departments who are in attendance.
Auxiliary Liaison: No Report
EMS Advisory Board: Bryon Andrews reported the board meets today and Friday. His term has expired and had not heard if he will be reappointed. EMS Symposium registration opened yesterday.
SHMERAC Committee: No Report
Website: Larry Gwaltney reported that there is a wealth of information on the website, even information and about everything mentioned here as well as links to other organizations. The officers email address and information on membership and membership dues are listed. Events that are happening in your area and across the state can be posted here. Everything that is posted also goes to our Facebook page. We are in the process of developing a Membership Management web- based program to help us manage membership information and dues. Please send your input and suggestion to help make this website better. If you see something is missing or needs to be updated or fix, please let us know immediately.
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