
Dickie reported that Mike has graciously decided to stay on 1 more year, so we are actively looking for a new Treasurer for next year. Awards Committee & Hall of Fame: Dickie Harris reported they did not receive any award applications. They received 1 for the hall of fame, but it was received after the deadline. Finance: Ken Brown reported they are working on a new budget process and we really need assistance on committees. These are not filled by the Executive committee, but by anyone. If you are interested, please let someone know. President Byer stated if you are interested on being on any of these committees let him know. Investments: Larry Gwaltney gave a complete report at the Executive Committee meeting yesterday on the states of our investments. We have our investments with Charles Schwab. Larry gave a report on how this account has been for the past year. CFSI Coordinator: Steve Ennis gave report on CSFI. In April he and his wife went to CSFI dinner and represented the association gave concerns to national interest to Mr. Whitman. He is very supportive and interested in helping the fire service and can count him as one of the friends of the fire service. The 30 th fire institute dinner still going strong and a good solid bipartisan support. Can be an individual member with the CFSI for $10.00 up to $1,000.00 Scholarships: Dale Jamison gave a report on the scholarship committee. Received 7 applications this year and were reviewed by the board. At this time had not heard from one of our sponsors so we are going to award 2 Scholarships now and when we receive the other donation we will award the other two. One goes to Benjamin Morrison Poqueson Fire $1000.00 and Elizabeth Culligan Goochland Fire $500.00. Should know about the other sponsor today. VOLSAP: Dickie Harris reported that VOLSAP stands for Volunteer Service Award Program initiative by State of Virginia and the state was going to put money into this program and for various reasons they did not. Some localities participated in this program. Himself and Ken Brown are on the board. The Virginia Retirement systems is looking over make sure we get a good return. If you are interested in this program let him or Ken know, and they will help you. Next meeting will be sometime in September. Training: Wayne Grimsley thanked mike Reilly who has helped with getting everything set up for the training classes at conference. Partnership with VAVRS next year will be penciled in. Have good participation in classes this year. Let them know the needs and wants to have more opportunities for next year. Had to cancel 1 class that he knows of. Several people registered with VDFP and not for the conference and they were going into the classrooms to make sure that they had. Conference & Expo: Larry Gwaltney received a letter from Senators Mark Warners’ office thanking us for our service. As for the conference this year if you have any concerns let us know. There is a complete schedule in your packets and on the marquee downstairs in the lobby. Please visit and talk with the vendors. Signup for the cornhole will be in the VSFA booth and the Truck Rodeo in the VFIS booth.

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