Credential Committee – First Reading: Buster Insley reported the 1 st roll call with 32 members and 147 votes. If your name was not called, please see the gentleman at the credentials table. Signed by Ferrell Adler, Ronald Hite and Buster Insley.
Visiting Delegation of the Ladies Auxiliary: Dale took several of our prestige gentlemen to visit the Ladies Auxiliary.
Reports of Officers & Committeemen: President Byer ask for reports of Officers and Committeemen. Walter Robertson made a motion to dispense of these reports since they are in the Redbook. David Akers 2 nd Approved. Virginia Dept of Fire Programs: President Byer introduced Mike Reilly, Director of Fire Programs. Mr. Reilly reported that the Governor, Secretary Moran and Deputy Secretary Washington sends their greetings. He gave a report on the Agriculture code of Virginia, Combustible material against buildings, cancer that is affecting fire fighters. Mental health bill got passed. Required Mental Health training for all Fire and EMS. Will be 4 hours of training. Training: Wayne Grimsley thanked Mr. Reilly for the training they are helping to provide here at the conference. If you are planning to be in any of the classes and you registered on the VDFP website, you still must be registered for the conference to attend. Investments Report: Legislative: David Bailey gave an update on Legislative bills and if you want to follow them they are on the VSFA website. Jeff Flippo is on the Agritourism work group along with Virginia Tech where fire codes are being looked at where they are having venues in wineries, barns, etc. without any required fire codes. Will be looking at safety issues in schools, such as locks on doors, what you can and cannot have, along with many others that might be an issue. Thanked Charlie Singleton for all the years had served on the legislative committee and the hard work he has put into it on behalf of the VSFA. He reported there will be several PBS specials upcoming. VA Fire Services Board - Walt Bailey thanked everyone for allowing him to serve another 2 years on this board. He reported there is a new board member Keith Johnson, will attend his 1 st meeting on Monday. Burn building program was a goal to have 1 hour of travel for any jurisdiction. Have a total of 56 burn buildings in operation and 3 under construction. State of Virginia has more burn building than any other state. At the fire Board meeting tomorrow Dickie Harris will received the Lifetime award. In the last 13 years there had been only 4 people to receive this award. Bylaws Committee: John Blosser had no changes or proposes this year. However, we have been assigned to review the Constitution and bylaws for the present year. If you have anything you would like to see changes made, please let John know. Delegation VSFA Ladies Auxiliary: Dale Jamison escorted the ladies and Carol Stickley introduced each of the ladies to the group. Nominating Committee – Dickie Harris reported that they meet and are submitting the following slate of Officers for the coming year. Chaplain – Dale Jamison; Treasurer – Mike Masicola; Secretary – Scott Cain; 3 rd Vice-President – Walt Bailey; 2 nd Vice-President – Pete Kirby; 1 st Vice President – Ken Brown; President – Jimmy Byer. Submitted by Richard Harris; James Epperly, Charlie Singleton, john Blosser, and Larry Gwaltney.
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