After a Discussion Walt Bailey made a motion to suspend this practice of mailing membership cards via USPS and to email a link to website to be able to print cards. David Akers 2 nd Approved with 1 opposed. Will come into effect for 2019-2020. Steve Ennis formally request that the bylaws be looked at and the executive Committee look at the districts based on the planning districts and to reassigned to add more districts. Take some of $9,000 that we are saving on printing and mailing these membership cards to help the district reps with their expenses. President Byer asked John Blosser and the bylaws committee to look into this. Ken Brown suggested everyone look at the bylaws for areas that may need changes or updates and submit them the bylaws committee in writing at least 6 months before August meeting and they will bring back to meeting in August for a vote. Nominating Committee – Dickie Harris, met this morning and suggesting the same slate of Officers. Scott Cain and Mike Masciola will stay on another year. Ken Brown suggested the president appoints an Asst Treasurer, as well as an Asst Secretary. We have an asst secretary, but not an Asst Treasurer. Mike said historically Larry Gwaltney has been the assistant Treasurer. Larry is a contractor for the association. Finance: Ken Brown trying to do a better budget this year and try to have it in a timely manner. Our Next meeting in November we should have one. Conference budget will work on one as well. Ken asked Mike why are we on a fiscal year of July to June and not January to December year? Mike said this is the way it has always been done. It was this way when he started. This could be changed but will have to deal mostly with IRS. Ken said he is throwing this out to the finance committee to look at. Some department’s budget run with their counties fiscal year of July to June that is one reason why this was set up with the association. Ken reported they will be looking at the credit card recommendations and issues and will have a report later. Investments: Larry Gwaltney gave a report on Investments and gave out handouts. As of yesterday, we have $517,757 in the account. In 2012 $457,000 was the start up amount. CFSI Coordinator: Steve Ennis gave report on CSFI. In April he and his wife went to CSFI dinner and represented the association gave concerns to national interest to Mr. Whitman. He is very supportive and interested in helping the fire service and can count him as one of the friends of the fire service. The 30 th fire institute dinner still going strong and a good solid bipartisan support. Scholarships: Dale Jamison gave a report on the scholarship committee. Received 7 applications this year. Donations total of 2500 if Provident sends $1,000. Recommended to give 2 -$750.00 and 2- $500.00 scholarships this year. Will add student ID number and school address to applications as to where the money will be sent to. VOLSAP: Next meeting will be September or October. No meeting since our last meeting. President Byer sent a letter to recommend Dickie Harris to stay on the committee, but he has not heard anything yet. Training: Wayne Grimsley thanked Mike Reilly who has helped with getting everything set up for training classes for the conference. Partnership with VAVRS next year will be penciled in. Have good participation in classes this year.
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