Byron Andrews reported House bill 777 - Requires EMS providers to get consent/cost for Air medical transport. Hopefully bill will be left there and die. Walt Bailey FYI trying to grow the ATL Money – Meeting set up August 28 with independent insurance agents to get their support and move forward with this. Jeff Flippo reported that under Agriculture there is no building code on the way the structures are built. He reported that over, a period of time, there are a lot of wineries and breweries being built and they are not being constructed under any fire or building standards and are being used for weddings, parties etc. With this being an, issue they are trying to come up with Legislation to incorporate some of the building and fire codes so when these large facilities are being built they would at least fall under some type of building and fire codes. Have meeting scheduled September 11 with Martha Walker who is with the Virginia Extension, in attempt to come up occupancy regulations, sprinkler systems, etc. New Committee Agritourism - Virginia Extension is heading up and trying to work out safety issues. VA Fire Services Board - Walt Bailey reported that are hopefully ready to roll out the new FF 2. He announced some personnel changes. Burn building program running out of money. Already spent all money on repairs. New burn building requests will be denied due to no money. Bylaws Committee: John Blosser no report Ken Brown stated the bylaws and constitution need to be update with current practices. He is requesting that the bylaws committee modernize our bylaws. Also sending out membership cards and certificates to individual members and companies are not being used and they cost $3,000 to print and $5,800 to mailout. This does not include the cost of mailing out Redbooks. What is the purpose of mailing out cards, certificates, Redbooks then they being throwed away or on a shelf somewhere? If so could the cards be put on-line and members print themselves if they desire to do so? This would save the budget at least $9,000. Walt Bailey said he has a stack of cards 3-4 years in his desk for members to get and they do not. Several others spoke up an this is happening at their stations to. Ken Said that putting them on website and let each department and individual members print them off and it would be no cost to us. Ikey Parks said their department gets 30 cards every year and their members pay $5.00 for the cards. If you got the card your name was sent into the Firefighters Association and if there was a line of duty death and you did not have that card the state will not pay that money. President Byer said if you have 50 members in your department and you want all 50 of them to be covered under the line of duty death then you pay $5.00 dues for each of them, they are all covered. Just carrying that card does not give you $10,000 if something happens. Steve Ennis said the departments are required to send a list of members names to the Clerk of Courts in the counties. His question, we are spending a tremendous amount of money for the cards and people are not using and we don’t require that the departments send list of members names to the Association. This may be something we need to do to be more credible. President Byer said he and Scott Cain had this discussion and it may be something to look at for the future. Walt Bailey said if your name is not on the list at the Clerk of Court you will not get any Federal or State line of duty death benefits. After a discussion Walt Bailey made a motion to suspend that practice pending working something out on to getting them online. David Akers 2 nd . In discussion Ken Brown ask can we do that since it is in the bylaws. Larry Gwaltney said it would be a bylaw change that would have needed to be submitted before this conference. Walt then said could he amend this motion pending a change in the bylaws.
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