VSFA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: August 1, 2018 Location: Hampton, VA The meeting was called to order by President Jimmy Byer at 1:00 pm. Dale Jamison led the group in prayer and Pledge of Allegiance. Additions/Deletions to Agenda : Larry Gwaltney added under New business to discuss Mutual of Omaha. Dale Jamison requested time to reveal the unveiling of the bell that the Kirby’s donated tomorrow during the Business meeting. Ken Brown wanted to discuss bylaws which will be done when we reach the bylaw section. Ken also wanted to do a review of the Executive Directors duties and the President said he wants to get all the officers together with Larry on Sunday before everyone leaves to discuss the duties. Roll Call : Sandy Byer, Assistant Secretary completed the roll call of attendees and the presence of a quorum was confirmed. Communications: President Byer gave a report on Scott Cain. He is doing a lot better than anticipated and could not be here with us for the conference, cannot drive for 8 weeks. He also has agreed to stay on as Secretary for the Association. Correspondence: Received a thank you note from Jim Stokely thanking the Association for sending flowers when his mother passed away. Received a $5.00 donation from Jane Johnston in memory of Rosalee Simon. Approval of Minutes as Distributed : David Akers made motion to approve minutes as distributed in Redbook. Leon Reed 2 nd approved. Treasurer’s Report : Mike Masciola sent out an electronic copy of the treasurers’ report from June 30. Also has hard copies if anyone would like one. David Aker made motion to accept, Charlie Singleton 2 nd approved. Introduction of Guests: President Byer reported that Mike Reilly, Director of Fire Programs will be attending later in the meeting. Mr. Reilly arrived at the meeting at 2:20 pm. He reported that there are 5 vacant positions in which they are in the process of filling. There is a problem with the test bank and are in the process of getting this fixed. 1031 class in Roanoke was cancelled due to on only 5 people registered. Mr. Reilly thanked David Bailey for publishing the booklet with Military recognition. Legislative Report: David Bailey gave the Legislative report– General assembly still working on 2018. He also gave a brief report on a bill where certain Fire/EMS who has or had previous law enforcement, National Guard, US Armed Forces, etc. training with approval of Fire Chief, Person in charge of EMS may carry a concealed weapon if they have a permit. Fire works bill is on life support and sometime in the fall it will slowly die but will keep a watch to see if it may be brought back up. November 29 is the deadline to act on carryover bills. By November 30 they are dead. If the committee meets, then it will be January that bill will be out there for the beginning of the session. January 8 will be the start of the session and feels confident adjournment will be February 23, 2019. Will then come back the 1 st week of April. Budgets will be set. Will watch the Fire and EMS Budgets. Maximum amounts are in the rainy day funds. David handed out a directory that contains all the Veterans in the General Assembly and key agencies. This is the 3 rd time this has been done.
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