Scholarships – Dale Since November meeting received card from Sylvia Baker in passing of Richard. Scholarships are Due May 30 th and there will be no changes this year. Ladies deadline has already passed for scholarship. Dale has a check for $250 donation to VSFA scholarship fund. At Conference this year the memorial service will be the same as last year. Pete and Lauren made a comment to try and fund a scholarship every year for 1,000. Last year they directed the donation to be spent on a proper bell for the Memorial Service and the cost was $973.00. Pete and Lauren this year will be providing that $1,000 toward a scholarship. This will be a $1,000 scholarship not to be chopped up into small scholarship amounts. One scholarship recipient will receive a scholarship for $1,000. He will get with Dale, Mike and Jimmy. Pete said he is not expecting the Association to match this $1,000 donation. VOLSAP – Dickie Harris reported the budget proposal was not approved this year for the state to match up to $120.00 for each person in the system. The committee will continue to work on this. Conference update – Larry sent out a schedule of conference and topics of classes. Pete opening ceremonies will be jointly, right now looking at Thursday morning at 7:45 am. After a discussion with several people we may not get a deceit turnout having it in the morning. So would like to propose to have it before the Memorial service and Dogwood dedication on Wednesday. Will have an MC to coordinate the event to keep things moving within the allotted times. Wayne Grimsley reported a Recruitment and retention class coming up in May in Spotsylvania is free. May be one in Hampton also. He also announced several other classes and he has copies if anyone would like one. He will send this information out. Vendor registration is up and running for the conference. If you know any vendor’s please let them know to go on the website and register. Truck rodeo – Allen Brennan is parking lot ready to go. Rules & Contest – Jimmy report the rules and contest needs new equipment. First hose needs to be dated we are using brass couplings and departments cannot find brass couplings to practice with. We need 12 section 2 ½ inch new hose. Jimmy will get a copy of the word changes for the contests to Scott to send out with the dues. No contests will change. Credentials – Buster Insley no report Souvenir sales – Ken Brown reported that Chip called him and will not be here. The Display board, shirts, and ordering of coins will be accomplished by the end of last month. Jimmy reported at our last joint conference meeting a discussion was held on creating a Joint challenge coin to sell. Dickie Harris said this would be good to show we support this joint conference. Cost will be ½ and 1/2. Will have a combined designed as to what is on the website. Is on the age Purchased 500 and still had 320 left from last year. Chip will order 250 more for this year of the VSFA challenge coin. Hall of fame – Dickie Harris reported that Hall of fame awards have a deadline of July 1. They are for individuals who has done outstanding service for this association. Also have individual award due by June 1. Applications are on the website and need too follow the instructions. Liaison VSFCA – Kevin duck was not able to make it at the last minute, he sent out a report to Jimmy who made copies to hand out.
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