Nominating Committee – Dickie Harris reported we will have elections coming up in August and we will need a Treasurer and Secretary since Mike and Scott are stepping down. President Byer appointed David Akers to replaced Chief Epperly on the nominating committee. Nominations are presented at the conference by the nominating committee and anyone who wants to run can be nominated from the floor during the election. Steve Ennis said if there are plans to run someone against anyone who are currently serving in the chairs, please make this known before the election time. Finance – Ken Brown pass out a proposed budget. The committee had a conference call about 2 weeks ago and they came up with this budget and will be working on adopting at the August meeting for approval. Ken asked if anyone had any questions, comments etc. Steve Ennis said one thing that was added was web revenue and Executive Director Fund raising. The income for the Executive Director should not be put in as an income item in the budget since it is in the contract that and he is supposed to raise at least his equal share of what he is being paid. Hi revenue is from other things such as sponsors, website ads, etc. Steve suggested to take the salary for the Executive Director off as income. This budget is for informational purposes only will have one to vote on at the conference. Ken said the VSFAEMS account covers our part on the match for scholarships. Dale Jamison talked with Larry about contacting firms to create income for the association and try to sell sponsorship for scholarships. Dale said this is why Larry was wanting the meeting in April was to discuss this and the goals where he wants them to go with this position. Dale said he needs to know what direction he needs to go to obtain scholarship funding. A question was raised as to how much Larry has made to cover his position this past year. Who gets this information? President Byer said Larry sends him a report every month and he forwards it to Dickie, Walt, Walt and Vice Presidents. President Byer also said he will send it out to all Executive Committee members. Several members said that it is in the contract if he doesn’t make his salary, he will no longer be Executive Director. Larry’s contract is up June 1, 2019 and will have a meeting on April 20 with the officers. Walt expressed his concern on the Association operating on the savings account. We cannot continue to operate like this or in a few years we may have to fold. Do we need to look at raising dues or conference registration fee? Steve Ennis said there is money on selling ads for the website. Steve said if 10 districts can come with a $250.00 ad he will come up with his. Investments – Steve emailed a report to everyone. This report will be in the Redbook. Since January 3 had to make a 25,000 transfer to association bank account. If we keep on taking money out of this fund as we have done in the past years, we will not have much of an investment fund left. Had a request of 15,000 today to be transferred and that comes to 45,000 since January 2019. We had $450,000 when we started this fund in 2012, now we have $255,700. Have taken out over $200,000 from 2012 until today out of this account. A discussion was held on getting non-member departments in becoming a member. Scott Cain, Secretary has for the past 2 years has sent out several mailings trying to contact the non-member departments and departments that were members and stopped paying dues, with only about 30 to 40 departments responding. If Officers change every 2 to 4 years their contact is not forwarded and therefore gets lost. This past year he sent out 3 notices.
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