
After further discussion David Akers made a motion to change the name of the newsletter/magazine to Virginia Fire & Rescue. Ken Brown 2 nd . Approved with 1 Opposed. This bylaw is located in Article 4-Duties of Committees – Section 12. All these proposed bylaw changes will be mailed out with the dues letters for review to be voted on at the August Conference. Welcome Guests Bonnie Atwood – Had a short session and was not a good for getting money. Will regroup and plan next year. The election is coming up there will be 17 sets in senate 60 in house. Bonnie urged everyone to get to know candidates in your areas. Will be having a non-retirement party for David bailey April 16but he is not retiring. A surprise party will be held at the University of Richmond, April 16 in the evening. See Bonnie for more information. Ken reported in reviewing the minutes from Nov 3. It was approved for David bailey to sell ads for us. Is he still going to do this for us, selling websites ads? Bonnie Atwood will follow up on this Monday with David Bailey. No one else selling ads. Mike Reilly - VEI presented a certificate of Leadership to Brooke. Also new coins have come in and Eastern Shore is on them. Mr. Reilly reported that he, Dickie Harris and Walt Bailey have been making rounds educating the insurance industry on what their money and distributions to Dept Fire Programs actually does. Have been making rounds educating and provided an outline what Fire Services Board and VDFP provide. Insurance agencies have asked them to include the large insurance companies to. Big issue Augusta county using the Supplemental-locking devices inside the classrooms. This stems from active shooter training and they are a violation of Fire Code. Now other school systems are starting to install these devices and they are getting cited as a violation and measures will be taken. Some are going to fire stations and asking for old 1 ½ to 1 ¾ hose cutting them in to 1’ sections and slide the hose on the hinge at the top and this is also a code violation. There are many devices that are violation of Code. Graduated a Law Enforcement Academy out of Fort Picket. Complaints Fort Picket is not in a centralized location so planning to host at the Virginia Training Center in Hanover. DFP filled a couple positions, Operations training, Curriculum developer working with cornerstone that is cloud based. Will be working to put the firefighter 2 online. Also have a new IT manager. This year will honor 7 fallen firefighters in the state of Virginia. Has sent a letter to Jimmy for support for the Firefighter/EMS memorial for our Organization. Offered and invitation to have someone on the committee if we wish to do so. Jimmy said he will appoint someone to this committee. All Legislation Fire Programs put thru this year made it thru The General Assembly. July 1 any school system who is looking into addressing school shooters must include local fire official. Remove definition of fireworks and use Performance how they work. Fire service board to redefine 2 positions. Concealed Weapons carry and Agritourism died in the committee. Firefighting foam cannot be used for training only active calls. Ken Brown said there is a concern with the Software for DFP. We are being told that the old software will not stay up and registration for our conference and DFP classes throughout the state will not be available. Mike will check on what they are planning on Monday. Going offline will cause a problem for conference as well as training thru DPF. President Byer welcomed Carol Stickley President Ladies Auxiliary to the meeting.

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