6 District 12 Report to the Virginia State Firefighters Association
February 9, 2019
Attended the annual awards dinner for the Centreville Volunteer Fire Department, held at The Waterford at Fair Oaks in Fairfax, Virginia. Congratulated the members and officers who were recognized for their achievements during calendar year 2018. Attended the general membership meeting of the Fair Oaks Volunteer Fire and Rescue Company, held at the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Academy in Fairfax. The company had been a member of the VSFA previously and wanted to learn how the association was making a difference for the volunteer fire service in Virginia. At the end of the presentation, company members voted to re-join the VSFA. Attended the annual installation of officers for the Burke Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department, at their station in Burke, Virginia. Congratulated incoming officers on their election, and members who received recognition that evening for their achievements during calendar year 2018. Attended the general membership meeting of the Lorton Volunteer Fire Department, held at the Rose Hill Public Library in Alexandria, Virginia. Briefed members on the benefits of membership in the VSFA, including the upcoming First Responder Virginia conference, and thanked them for renewing their membership. Participated in the spring meeting of the VSFA Executive Committee, held at the Church of the Brethren in Charlottesville, Virginia.
March 4, 2018
March 9, 2019
March 18, 2019
March 30, 2019
April 10, 2019
Attended a viewing for the late Tom Mobley, a retired paramedic lieutenant with the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department. The viewing was held at the Fairfax Memorial Funeral Home in Fairfax, Virginia. Tom, who was 77 years old at the time of his death, was a veteran of the United States Navy. Following his service, he joined the fire service. He was a firefighter with the District of Columbia Fire Department in Washington, DC, and then received an appointment to the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Services, which later became the Fire and Rescue Department. During his career, Lieutenant Mobley became one of the early pioneers in emergency medical service in the county when he became qualified as a paramedic. He served in stations across the county. Tom believed in sharing his
Figure 4 - The late Tom Mobley, 77, an accomplished firefighter, paramedic, leader, and instructor, passed away at age 77 on April 6, 2019.
knowledge, skills, and experience with others, and was an accomplished emergency medical service instructor. He taught basic emergency medicine through the Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC) and at the Federal Burau of Investigations’ National Academy in Quantico, Virginia. Through his teaching, he developed thousands of Virginia Emergency Medical Technicians
June 23, 2019
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