It was announced that the Penny Drill final amount collected was $74.36. President Garnett asked the Ways & Means Committee to come forward and have their raffle drawings. Sis Blosser, Individual Member – Filled Shopping Cart Lisa Saul, Riner – 31 Bag Cindy Lloyd, Vienna – Bathroom/Kitchen Basket John Blosser from New Market - 50/50 Raffle ($355.50) The Scholarship Committee held their 50/50 raffle drawing and Lisa Saul, Riner, won $177.00. Brianna Claxton gave Credentials Committee report of attendance at the meeting:
Auxiliaries Present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Members Present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Individual Members Present . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Guests Present . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Total Number Registered . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
The President asked for final reports from the committees. Ways and Means Committee final report by Sandra Shifflett: Donations by check $ 50.00 50/50 Raffle 355.50 Raffles 549.00 Auxiliary Pins 6.00 Total Receipts $ 960.50 Firefighter’s Relief Committee final report by Sylvia Baker: Donations by check $ 1200.00 Penny Drill 74.36 Total Receipts $ 1274.36 Scholarship Committee final report by Carol Stickley: Donations by check $ 900.00 50/50 Raffle 177.00 Total Receipts $ 1077.00
Jr. Past President, Elizabeth Garnett, held the Installation of Officers. She held an installation ceremony and presented each with a VSFA Challenge coin. Each officer was instructed on her responsibilities for the coming year. President Garnett asked Vice President Stickley to sit in for her as she gave her annual report and listed her expenses. A motion was made by Amy Sheppard, Christiansburg and seconded by Vera Lloyd, Vienna to accept the President’s report. The motion was carried on a vote. Tina Puffenbarger presented Liz a gift from the Auxiliaries for her time as President. Incoming President, Carol Stickley, gave her acceptance speech and announced her committees for the coming year. She made business cards available for all to pick up. President Garnett asked for any announcements or activities for Auxiliaries in attendance. Spotsylvania #1 mentioned that they have a National Night Out on August 7 and a Halloween Celebration on October 20. It was
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