announced that Spotsylvania #1 had also been presented an award from the Fredericksburg Chamber of Commerce. Christiansburg Auxiliary announced that they will have a Vendor Show on Sept. 22. Joan Dempsey reported that she had spoken with Molly Williams, Buckroe. Molly was just in the hospital last week and said she wished she was with us in the meeting. Joan Dempsey also wanted to congratulate President Garnett on a great job as President. She said she should be proud to be a third generation family member to go through the chairs of office. The Officers were asked for comments and everyone agreed that we were happy to be at the meeting and were thankful of our time to serve under Liz. All were looking forward to seeing everyone in the Fall. Phil Sica, Individual Member, asked permission to share information from the VSFA meeting. All in attendance were reminded of the President Social tonight Embassy Suites to celebrate Carol Stickley’s new presidency. There was nothing further for the good of the auxiliary and President Garnett asked that the group stand while the Conductress Pro-Tem, Karen Sica, and Assistant Conductress, Lisa Saul, retired the flags. Chaplain Linda Cage, closed the Bible, extinguished the candles, and gave the closing prayer. She then asked the group to hold hands and recite the Mizpah. The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Tina Puffenbarger, Secretary
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