D. Receive 20% discount of cost exhibit space at convention. Section 9. Officers and Executive Committeeperson must be a member of a department/company that belongs to the V.S.F.A.
Section 1. The Virginia State Firefighter’s Association shall assume the responsibility of planning and hosting the Annual Convention. The State Association shall be responsible for the registration and collection of convention fees. Section 1A.Members of fire companies, departments, rescue squads and their ladies auxiliaries participating in the functions of the Annual Convention shall pay a registration fee of Fifty Dollars ; husbands, wives and all guests 12 years of age and older of above members shall pay a registration fee of Fifty DOLLARS for participating in the social functions of the Annual Convention. All moneys collected shall go to the State Association. Section 1B. A Company/Department may request to host the Annual Convention. The host Company, Department or Rescue Squad must be able to meet the requirements set for the type of location that is required to hold the convention events or as amended by the Executive Committee or the membership by vote at the Annual Convention. The Company/Department hosting the Annual convention shall work with the State Association Convention Committee to plan and put on the Annual convention. Should a Company, Department or Rescue Squad host the Annual Convention, the registration and collection of fees shall be handled by the Host Company, Department or Rescue Squad and Convention Committee of the State Association. Twenty-five percent (25%) of the registration fees collected shall be sent to the Association and any net profit shall be split 50-50 with the Association. Section 1C. Registration and collection of any fees for all guests under 12 years of age shall be at the option of the State Association and with the agreement of any Company, Department or Rescue Squad (if host). Section 1D. The Convention Committee of the State Association shall submit a financial report to the Secretary of the State Association within Sixty (60) days of the last day of the Annual Convention. The State Association Secretary shall submit a financial report and a check, in the amount of seventy-five percent (75%) of the registration fees and fifty percent of the net profit, to the Company, Department or Rescue Squad (if any) hosting the Annual Convention within ten (10) days of the Convention Report.
Section 2. Deleted Section 3. Deleted Section 3A. Deleted
Section 4. No Company, Department or Rescue Squad shall be allowed to compete for any prize (Contest) who has more contestants participating in the event than Association dues and registration fees have been paid for. Section 5. Two or more Fire Companies or Rescue Squads from the same city or town shall be permitted if they so desire, to participate in any and all activities of the Association as a Department, provided, however, that such Department shall be under the supervision of one (1) head. Section 6. Deleted
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