Section 7. Deleted Section 8. The Officers and members of the Executive Committee shall be required, if present at the State Convention, to assist the Chairman of the Rules and Contests Committee in the performance of his duties at the Convention. Section 9. Any firefighter who conducts him/her self in a manner that may bring disgrace upon his/her department or upon this Association by his/her actions, whether intentional or unintentional, will be prohibited from further participation in all functions of the Virginia State Firefighter's Association. This disciplinary action will cover all offenses committed at any location(s) where functions of this Association are being held. It shall also extend to all areas that are included in the service area of the host(s) community. A Grievance Committee shall be composed of the officers and executive committee of this Association. After a reasonable effort is made to assemble all proper persons in attendance at the annual convention, all charges shall be orderly laid out, and time be given for the discussion of the same. Every effort will be made to have full disclosure of all the circumstances, pro and con, that surround the event. A majority vote by those officers and executive committee members present and voting shall be the final authority as to the person(s) guilt or innocence, and whether or not the individual is to be suspended from the remaining functions of the annual convention at which the offense occurs. It shall be with the discretion of this Committee to determine whether or not the member's department is also to be suspended. In any event, the individual(s) and/or departments concerned shall be notified immediately by the secretary. The individual(s) accused of any wrong doing shall have the right to present a brief written and/or oral statement to the Grievance Committee assembled, before the final vote is taken. However, neither the accused nor his/her representative shall be present during the time of the committee's discussion or during the vote, nor shall there be any recourse taken against the officers and Executive Committee Members of this Association. Should any member or department be suspended during the annual convention at which this offense occurred or, in the judgment of the Grievance Committee, should further suspension during the following year be warranted, the secretary of this Association shall, as soon as possible, send a letter to the suspended member(s) and/or departments informing them of this action. ARTICLE 3 AMENDMENTS The Association shall have the power at any regular or special meeting to alter, amend or revise this Constitution and By-Laws, but the same shall not be altered, amended or revised except said amendments shall be reduced to writing, endorsed by the By-Laws Committee or by at least three (3) member Companies or Departments in good standing, (and signed by the administrative officer of these Companies or Departments). All proposed changes presented after August 1 shall be given to the Secretary for his disposition. These proposed alterations, amendments or revisions shall become effective only after a two-thirds roll call vote of the member Companies or Departments of the Association present and qualified to vote.
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