

Section 1C. The Executive Committee shall have the power to change the date of the annual convention in August, when they deem it necessary. Should a city or town be hosting the convention, the change of date must meet their approval. Section 1D. The Executive Committee shall review each year the annual convention expense account of the President and the Secretary. Governed by the Treasury any and all items declared and found to be legal by the Executive Committee shall be paid by the Association. Section 1E. The members of the Executive Committee assembled at a regular meeting shall have the power and authority to raise the annual convention registration fee of the membership of this Association by not more than fifty (50%)percent in any calendar year of the amount being paid. Section 1F. It shall be the duty of all Executive Committeemen to notify all departments, member or non- members, by letter, of his or her appointment in their district. It shall be the duty of the Executive Committeemen to council with the Officers and other Executive Committeemen on matters that concern the Association. The Executive Committeemen shall attend all Executive Committee meetings and conventions if possible, submit quarterly and yearly reports of their activities to be published in the White Book, hold district meetings to include members and non-members, they should try to visit all member and non-member departments in their district, contacting any member who has become delinquent in their dues, and correspond with all departments within their district with legislative reports that concern the association. Section 2. The Rules and Contest Committee shall submit changes in the present rules and recommend new contests or rules that may increase interest throughout the State for members attending the Annual Convention. Section 3 The By-Laws Committee shall present such amendments to the annual meeting which in their belief will be for the best interest of the Association; they shall consider all amendments presented to them by individual members, as well as Fire Companies and Departments; they shall make a study of the present Constitution and By-Laws and recommend any changes at their discretion which will maintain harmony among affiliated Companies or Departments. Section 4. The Legislative Committee shall foster legislation for the benefit of the Association when called upon to do so by the Executive Committee or by resolution adopted at the annual sessions; they shall have such bills prepared and presented to the General Assembly which will be to the best interest of the Association and for the Firefighter of the State. Section 5. Deleted Section 6. The Credentials Committee shall determine, from the dues paid by each Company or Department, the number of votes they are entitled to, in accordance with Section 4 of Article 7; and to examine each Company's or Department's credentials to assure they are in proper order. Section 7. The Public Relations Committee shall prepare and present appropriate resolutions to the membership of the Association at its Annual Convention. Section 8. The Ladies' Auxiliary Committee shall meet with the ladies at their Annual Meeting to extend our greetings and thanks, and escort their Committee to the Association meeting. Section 9. The Nominating Committee shall prepare and present to the Annual Convention, a slate of qualified candidates for the elective offices. Section 10. The Auditing Committee shall audit the books of the Association and make their report to the members assembled during the business session of the annual meeting of the Association.

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