Treasurer shall serve without compensation and only be reimbursed for his expenses.
Section 6A. The Treasurer shall keep the original of all expenses, by line item for a period of three (3) years. A copy to be available to the membership upon reasonable request. Section 6B. The Assistant Treasurer shall have the authority to carry on business for the Association in the absence of the Treasurer or in case of death or disability of the Treasurer to carry out their duties. The signatures of the President and 1 st Vice President shall appear on the signature cards at the bank for use in case of an emergency. Section 7. The Secretary shall execute sufficient bond to cover the President, Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer Executive Committeemen for the faithful performance of their duties; said bond shall be approved by the Executive Committee and placed in the hands of the President for safe keeping. Premiums on said bonds shall be paid for by the Association. Section 8. It shall be the duty of the Chaplain to open and close all meetings of the Association with appropriate prayer and to look after the Spiritual and Moral Welfare of the Association. He shall have full charge of the Annual Memorial Service and may be assisted by the Chaplain of the Ladies' Auxiliary to the Virginia State Firefighter's Association. The Chaplain shall install the officers of the Association after their election at the convention business meeting and shall be charged with any other duties assigned to him by the President. Section 8A. The Chaplain shall be reimbursed to cover expenses in the exercise of his/her duties as such. The Chaplain shall submit an itemized expense voucher(s) for reimbursement; it being the intention of this section that the Chaplain shall serve without compensation and only be reimbursed for his expenses. Section 9. It shall be the duty of the Parliamentarian to sit with the President of this Association at all business meetings and to interpret these By- Laws and Robert’s Rules of Order for the benefit of the members to effect a better and more orderly business meeting. Section 10. The duties of the Sergeant-at-Arms shall be to help the presiding officer conduct an orderly business meeting, shall at the direction of the President perform such duties as shall be required by him to keep order and enforce Article 8 of this Constitution. The Sergeant-at-Arms shall appoint such deputies as are necessary to help him perform the duties of his office. Arm bands for the Sergeant-at-Arms and his deputies shall be furnished by the State Association. ARTICLE 4 DUTIES OF COMMITTEES Section 1. The Executive Committee shall audit all bills against the Association, to cause same to be published in the proceedings of the Association, and transact all business of the Association during the time intervening between the annual meetings, and look after the interest of the Association generally. A majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business provided all members have been notified. Section 1A. The Executive Committee or any Officer, shall have no power to issue any letter of endorsement for the solicitation of funds for any purpose, unless written permission is furnished them by the Chief or President of the Fire Company or Department from the community where the solicitation is to be made. The chief, president or captain of the rescue squad from the community where the solicitation is to be made shall have ninety (90 days in which to respond to the Secretary of this Association. If as many as twenty-five (25%) of those affected respond in the negative, then the Executive Committee shall reconsider the proposed solicitation. Section 1B. Any vacancy occurring in any elective office except that of the President, shall be filled by appointment by the Executive Committee as a temporary appointment until an election is held in regular or special meeting of the Association.
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