Section 2. The President shall, prior to the opening of the annual convention appoint the following committees consisting of three members each to serve during the time that the convention is in session: Credentials, Auditing, the Public Relations. The President shall also appoint prior to the opening of the annual convention a parliamentarian and a sergeant-at-arms to serve at the convention. Section 3. The President shall, within thirty (30) days after adjournment of the annual convention, appoint in addition to an Executive Committee; a Convention Committee, By-Laws Committee, a Rules and Contest Committee, Virginia Firefighter Publication Committee, a Truck Rodeo Committee, and a Training Committee, all of which shall hold the office for one (1) year or until their successors are appointed. Section 3A. The President shall, within thirty (30) days after adjournment of the annual convention, on each even numbered year, appoint a Legislative Committee which shall serve for a period of two (2) years or until their successors are appointed. Section 3B. The President shall appoint such other committees as he may deem necessary for the proficient operation of this Association. Section 3C. The President shall assign each Vice President five (5) districts each and should whenever Section 4. It shall be the duty of the Vice President, in the order elected, to occupy the place and perform the functions of the President in his absence. They shall act under the direction of the President and in the event of the resignation, death or disability of the President, the duties of that office shall devolve upon the first Vice President. In the absence of the President and the three (3) Vice Presidents, a President and Vice President shall be elected pro tem by balloting by the Chairman of the Companies or Departments present. Section 4A. The First Vice President shall chair the Finance Committee, work closely with the Convention Committee in planning the Annual Convention, and work with the Fire Training Committee and Firefighters Benefit Committee. Section 4B. The Second Vice President shall oversee the following committees; Fire Prevention and Control, Ways and Means, Rules and Contest, and Souvenir Sales. Section 4C. The Third Vice President shall oversee the Fire Truck Rodeo, Virginia Firefighter Publication, and By-Laws Committees. Section 5. The Secretary shall keep a complete record of all proceedings of this Association and of the Executive Committee; he shall answer all communications pertaining to the Association and to him shall be sent all; he shall keep a record of all Departments and Companies, and members; of the suspensions, withdrawals, dropped and reinstatements of members and applications for membership, and at each annual convention present a report of the general condition of the Association, shall collect all moneys due the Association from Departments, Fire Companies and members and pay same over to the Treasurer, taking his receipt therefore. He shall make all necessary arrangements for the recording and preparing of the minutes of each convention and all Executive Committee meetings; a copy of these minutes shall be made available to each member company or department and to all members of the Executive Committee within ninety (90) days after such meetings. The Secretary shall be reimbursed for expenses to exercise their duties as such; the treasurer shall submit itemized expense vouchers for reimbursement with in seven (7) days of receipt; it being the intention of this section that the Secretary shall serve without compensation and only be reimbursed for his expenses. Section 6. The Treasurer shall receive all money belonging to the Association from the Secretary, and deposit it in a Virginia Bank within seven (7) days of receipt; pay all bills upon order of the President, countersigned by the Secretary, and at each meeting, report an itemized statement of receipts and disbursements. The Treasurer shall be reimbursed to cover expenses in the exercise of his duties as such; the Treasurer shall submit an itemized expense vouchers for reimbursement. It being the intention of this section that the possible attend the district meetings with the Vice President for the district.
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