Section 11. Deleted Section 12. The duties of the Virginia Firefighter Publication Committee shall be to publish the newspaper VIRGINIA FIREFIGHTER, the official newspaper of this Association. Section 13. The Convention Committee shall be appointed by the President, but the following people shall be a part of the Committee, in addition to any others appointed: Chairman/Co-Chair, 1 st Vice President, a representative from Rules & Contest Committee, Chairman of Virginia Firefighter’s Publication Committee, Chairman of Vendor Committee, Chaplain VSFA, President Ladies Auxiliary to VSFA. Section13A. The duties of the Convention Committee shall be as follows: plan the location of the Annual Convention in a locality that has the meeting and housing to properly conduct the activities of the convention. (Parade, Contests, Vendors, Meeting locations, dances, meals, training sessions.) Section 14. The Truck Rodeo committee shall present any proposed changes to the Executive Committee of its present rules. It shall recommend any changes that may increase interest or participation in this contest. Section 15. The Training Committee shall preplan and oversee the training classes that are to be held at the annual convention. They shall work with the Convention Committee in choosing suitable times and places for each class. Section 1. The annual meeting of this Association shall be held in the second week of August of each year, except as provided in Article No. 4, Section 1C, at such places as a majority of the members present at a preceding annual convention shall designate, and continue from day to day until all business of the convention is completed. Section 2. Special meetings shall be called by the President when he deems it necessary, or at the request of a majority of the officers and Executive Committee provided all member companies have been notified. The call for a special meeting shall state the business for which the meeting is called and no other business shall be transacted. Section 3. A majority of Companies or Departments registered and in good standing shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of all business at any regular or special meeting of this Association. ARTICLE 6 REPRESENTATION Section 1. Each Company, Department or Rescue Squad member of this Association shall be entitled to one Delegate and one Alternate, for each ten members or a majority thereof as shown on the books of the State Association Secretary. New affiliated Companies or Departments shall have the privilege of voting at the first meeting they attend. Section 2. Each Company, Department or Rescue Squad shall elect a Chairman from their own Company, Department or Rescue Squad who shall be the official head of their delegation. The name shall be submitted to the State Association Secretary annually with the names of the delegates and alternates. Section 3. All members shall be entitled to be present at all meetings of the Association, but will only be permitted to speak on any question with permission of the presiding officer. Only accredited delegates and chairmen of the delegations shall be entitled to vote on any question or subject before the meeting. ARTICLE 5 MEETINGS
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