responded with saying many people burning far to hot, room temps, and monitor equipment is not properly calibrated or being used properly. VOLSAP: Dickie Harris briefly discussed some financial issues within. Will discuss further in August. Legislative: David Bailey reported that the session has ended March 10,2018. David went on to say 2 k bills have passed with no budget. They are in special session today as we speak. David spoke about various bills still being discussed with the health bill being the biggest hurtle. Another hot topic is the “mulch against structure” bill., the governor has yet to pass. Walt Baily spoke briefly on this measure and closed by saying that several discussions took place this past week @ VDFP regarding the dangers to senior facilities and high-rise / high risk rental structures to name a few. No one knows if the governor will veto or compromised Bill – DMV would be notified when a person was no longer a member or removed from said VFD or VRS whom has a state issues specialty plate on their vehicle. The bill would provide a recall of those vanity plates when person is no longer a member. Lengthy floor discussion ensued with several opinions spoken. Fire Prevention & Control: No Report. Awards: Dickie Harris reminded all that the awards nominations are due by July 1,2018. Recruitment & Retention: No Report. Scholarship: Dale Jamison asked that we look at rewriting the current letter. No further discussion.
Liaison to State Auxiliary: No Report Out of State Coordinators: No Report Vision 2020: Report submitted & attached Nominating: No Report Virginia Firefighter Newsletter: No Report. EVOC: No Report. Chaplain’s Report: Report submitted. Misc. District Rep Reports: No Report.
Old Business:
Executive Director position – Charlie Singleton read the qualifications for the sole 2 applications received for this position. The committee recommended Larry Gwaltney be hired for this position. Ken Brown raised concerns Ken questioned the hiring process, short notice advertising and no live interview as his biggest concerns. Different questions were raised on the floor from duties to authorized authority etc. Walt Bailey stated Larry will maintain the web site and social media pages as part of his duties. These duties will begin effective June 1,2018. Larry will also need to relinquish all committee positions and titles currently held within the executive board and association to accept this position. Dale Jamison asked who will head up the convention now. After discussion it was mentioned Larry will be a hired contractor responsible for his own 1099 forms. Mike Masciola asked to review the contract before it is issued for signing. Dickie Harris took exception to this request and scolded Mike for this. Mike simply wants to be sure we are properly wording this contract. After no further discussion, president Byer asked for a vote by show of hands, results were 7 YES, 3 NO, 1 Abstained. Larry will be hired as the executive director. Fashion Show: Ken Brown discussed the large disappointment and embarrassment we as the association had with all of the drop outs and cancellations at the last minute, leaving us no choice but to withdraw form the event. We spent a lot of time advertising and writing press releases only to falter badly. No further discussion. Membership Management – report submitted to resident Byer from Larry Gwaltney. Jimmy discussed some of this and Scott Cain added to it, responding to timeline question from Ken Brown on the actual inception of this potential program. Scott commented on the wild apricot program we are going to
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