demo for 30 days upon Larry’s return from vacation. Ken Brown asked about cost and Scott responded with we cannot put a number to this yet. We need to demo the program and see what if anything will and will not work for our desires. We should be able to report back to board during the August business meetings. Sandy Byer discussed briefly the Office Depot/Office Max discount program. She will be attending the southwest convention to sign people up. VSFA-VAVRS joint convention for 2019 – Ken Brown opened discussion by saying how disappointed he is hearing new talk about changing every other year for convention location and claims this was never ever mentioned before. He also wants a budget in place for this joint adventure. Dickie Harris suggests we build a line item budget to track all income and all expenses. Dickie also wants us to have a manageable spreadsheet to monitor these activities. Ken will schedule a finance committee meeting, all need to send him dates available. We have much to be discussed. Pete Kirby brought up the credit cards issue again for discussion. Scott made it clear that we still have the clear majority not properly turning in receipts, expense reports or anything at all. This must be address and corrected. Jeff Flippo needs this credit card as he can’t take those charges on his personal finances for the functions he attends on behalf of the association. Mike commented this is a shame we can’t do things correctly as paying a once a month bill is much easier for the treasurer and secretary. Finance: Ken Brown said we need to add 30K to the proposed budget which would now put us 59K in the red. Ken asked about setting up a separate account for $30k for the executive director’s position. Mike said that a new account and category can be added to track this. Charlie Singleton said that he is to make that 30K for us by the end of the year or he will be fired. Jimmy then asked if all were in favor or were there any more questions pertaining to the future budget? Jimmy asked for approval and all agreed by saying I. 0 opposed. Ken said he would set up a Finance Committee meeting and for all who are on the committee, and before they leave to give him dates and he would do his best to schedule a meeting. Ken Brown brought up insurance renewal for the current LODD benefit policy with provident. A motion by Pete Kirby to renew this policy for another year, second by Charlie Singleton. Motion Carried. Ken Brown – Asked about lawyer services for the association should the need arise. Mike Masciola mentioned their department has a member who is a lawyer and Mike will approach him about providing services to the association and report back at next business meeting. Ken Brown asked if where are going to have t-shirts for sale at this year’s convention event. Tommy Austin discussed a vendor he has that will come to our event and set up and make to order shirts. After a brief discussion Charlie Singleton made a motion to bring this vendor in this year with Jeff Flippo second. Motion Carried. Dale Jamison asked president Byer to appoint Gary Allred as District 10 representative. Communications: Secretary Cain reported no communications received. Dues: Dues were mailed out on April 12, 2018. So far, we have collected $3170.00 and mailed 634 cards to 21-member depts. Reminder notice will go out end of June. New Business: President Byer thanked the church ladies auxiliary group for the wonderful lunch meal provided to us.
Benediction & Adjournment :
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