b) Rules & Contests: Jimmy Byer said they met a few weeks ago to discuss safety and rules for upcoming events. Nothing new, discussing future progress. Elizabeth Brenna advised her father Allen was in and out of the hospital lately. c) EMS Contest: Sandy Byer no report d) Fire Truck Rodeo: No Report e) Souvenir Sales: Gary reported the storage shed has been cleaned up and he assumes Larry did this since only he and Larry have the keys to enter. Dale Jamison discussed the challenge coins that are now completed and in. He has some with him for those who want to buy today. Dale wanted to sell them online, discussed cost to mail along with a box however the president did not feel we wanted to go down that road online, President Byer said no we are selling in person or at convention only. Jeff Filippo asked that Dale hold a group of the coins back for the officers to have when they participate on other joint activities or when warranted by their choice to hand out. f) EMS Advisory Board/Emergency Medical Services Committee: No Report SHMERAC: No Report Finance: Ken Brown discussed the finance committee report and how to read the sheet provided to board members. Discussion of the need for a budget from the association each year. Ken discussed a $30,000.00 deficit (more than likely form the conference) the committee currently sees. Ken elaborated on the need to do a yearly budget and be very aware of what we put were versus living off the investments. Ken went onto to discuss the need for the convention to have its own budget each year to show actual income and actual expense. There was a good amount of discussion from the floor, Walt Bailey, Ken Brown, Jeff Filippo, Dickie Harris all contributed to the conversation. Mike Masciola discussed this has never been incorporated with his record keeping or general funds. Monies have always been given to the conference with lack or little record keeping. Other discussions entailed surrounding expenses being shown for certain events within the conference however that event is 100% covered by corporate sponsors. In addition, we lack the ability to track vendors who have paid for vendor spaces, example we had a vendor last year that found they paid twice for their spot. We as an association were unable to account for that for the last 7 months. Scott mentioned a concern of embarrassment from an association to not be able to answer that question to that vendor when it arose last year. We will give that vendor their space free this year. Pete Kirby went on to discuss the ongoing issue with executive members not using association credit cards properly, lack of turning in receipts to the secretary with a valid expense report. Scott also commented on his frustrations of not receiving the correct paperwork for him to do his job. Pete recommend we collect cards except for the president or secretary and treasurer. Jimmy mentioned an issue he had with reserving rooms for the conference. Investments Report: President Byer read the report submitted by Larry Gwaltney. Ken Brown commented on the following items. 1710 & 1720 standards. 1710 is career & 1720 is volunteer, and both are no opened for public comment. New 1500 standards are open as well. Individual member fees are increasing from $15.00 to $18.00. Many new things coming, and the next business meeting is in September 2018, Bismarck ND. Dickie Harris commented that we all need to pay attention to these standards or they will come back to bite you. No further discussions. Hall of Fame: No Report Liaison to VA Fire Chiefs Association: No Report National Volunteer Fire Council: Ken Brown Is looking to get a refund for the upcoming out of state meeting that Allen Brennan can not attend but is paid for. Again, if we want the NVFC to present classes at the conference we need advance notice to them. Virginia Fire Service Board: Walt Bailey reported changes to the firefighter module testing. Also there are only 3 of 56 statewide training buildings currently in compliance with VDFP standards. Fire programs has many who are not following the procedures and many of these facilities are in disrepair in some cases. The board is looking into adding 3 rd party inspectors for this issue. Ken Brown asked why the disrepair and issues, Walt
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