VSFA Executive Committee Meeting Minutes Meeting Date: April 28, 2018 Location: Charlottesville, VA
The meeting was called to order by President Jimmy Byer @ 10:04 am. Dale Jamison led the invocation and Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call : Secretary Cain completed the roll call of attendees and the presence of a quorum was confirmed. 20 members present. Absences (5 excused & 1 medical) Approval of Minutes as Distributed : The November 2017 & February 2018 Executive Committee meeting minutes were approved. Motion by Charlie Singleton & second by Tommy Austin, Motion passed. Additions/Deletions to Agenda : President Byer gave the floor to David Bailey to give his report ahead of all other business, so he could depart for other obligations. See reports below in their respective categories. Report of Officer’s & Executive Committeemen: President Byer asked all committee persons to prepare their yearend reports and submit to the secretary for our annual Redbook printing. Communications/Website: Sandy Byer read a report submitted by Larry Gwaltney who was on vacation and not present during this meeting. This was about the membership integration program that are Larry and Scott Cain are working towards for the association. Scott was asked to elaborate in which he spoke about the trial period Larry will set up upon returning from vacation. We feel we can have solid direction and information to associate with cost by the August business meeting in Hampton. Ken Brown expressed concern about this membership integration dragging out another year, in which Scott assured him it will not. The secretary of all members wants to see this program initiated and utilized. President Byer on behalf of the Executive board gave the approval to continue moving forward. Convention: Jimmy Byer shared a report by Larry Gwaltney for the convention. Also noted there are unspent grant funds from 2017 awarded to the convention funds in the amount of $11,985.00 that were returned to VDFP. We have potential over budget by our former convention chairmen. Jimmy spoke about Corey not able to provide a formal report form last year budget. Larry put together as best he could. Also discussed additional bills that came in after convention that we found were not accounted for in the amount of $4000.00. Treasure Masciola commented on discussion he had with Larry regarding the amount of the grant that was requested from VDFP for the grant funds. They are not sure why so much was requested, and Ken Brown commented as well that we have no budget for the convention, therefore we are not properly accounting for our expenditures and income during the convention. Convention Training: Wayne gave a short report and gave the secretary a committee report. Ken Brown advised the NVFC is offering classes at the 2018 convention and we need to give them notice if we choose to invite them down to deliver these classes. a) Vendors: No Report Treasurer’s Report : Treasurer Masciola gave the treasurers report. Introduction of Guests: None Present. Bylaws: No activity to report on currently . No Report
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