National Convention 2018 Program
Convention Entertainment
Steve Siemens will be joining us at the 2018 National Convention as a guest speaker. Steve will be speaking during the Vespers Service on Thursday evening and will be holding a workshop during the convention. You will appreciate his interactive, humorous, and motivational style of speaking. He has been referred to as one of the best motivators in the world today. If you are attending the Friday Lunch honoring First Lady Linda, then you are in for a treat! Jane Herlong will be our entertainment. Jane has been with us before and is excited to join us again. She inspires lives with truth and humor. There are a lot
of performers who make people laugh and there are a lot of speakers who give audiences solid principles for living - Jane does both. Combining humor, truth, and her award-winning singing, Jane adds pizzazz to her presentations with life skills helping audiences handle stress and negative people and
helping them to be more productive. Major General R. Steve Siegfried, U.S. Army Retired, will be speaking at the Veterans Service. The Veterans Service will be on Friday, January 19th, following the morning business session.He proudly wears two Distinguished Service Medals, the Silver Star,
The Soldiers medal for Heroism, the Legion of Merit, three Bronze Stars and two Purple Hearts, as well as twenty-seven other personal awards for bravery, achievement and service. Saturday’s Installation Banquet in Charleston will close with entertainment by the Rocky Hock Opry. The group was founded in 2003 to raise funds for the cancer research and support through the Rocky Hock (NC) Ruritan Relay for Life Team. The
72 2018 Commemorative Program Rocky Hock Opry is a multi-talented group of musicians who pride themselves with presenting clean family shows consisting of a variety of music including country, gospel, and pop along with great comedy skits from the popular Flat Billy Bob.
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