National Convention 2018 Program
2018 National Convention January 18-21, 2018 Charleston, SC
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2018 National Convention Welcome to the 87th Annual Ruritan National Convention Embassy Suites Charleston Area Convention Center January 18-21, 2018
Plan now to attend the next Ruritan National Convention! January 17-20, 2019 Embassy Suites Convention Center & Spa
1700 Coliseum Drive Hampton, VA 23666
2 2018 Commemorative Program
2018 Ruritan National Convention National President’s Message ����������������������������������� 4 Convention Program Chair’s Message���������������������� 5 Responsibilities of a Delegate ����������������������������������� 6 Official Business Meeting Agenda ��������������������������7-9 Standing Rules of the National Convention........10-13 General Information............................................13-17 WednesdayDayEvents.......................................18-19 Thursday Day Events..........................................19-20 Vespers Opening Dinner............................................21 Friday Workshops...............................................23-25 Friday Day Events...............................................25-26 Friday Business Meeting.......................................... 27 Friday First Lady’s Lunch....................................28-29 Voting Information.................................................... 29 Foundation’s 50th Anniversary Celebration................30 Saturday Workshops...........................................31-33 Saturday Day Events..........................................33-34 Saturday Business Meeting................................35-36 Steve Siemens Workshop........................................ 36 Saturday Installation Banquet.................................. 37 Sunday..................................................................... 38 2017 National Board of Directors........................39-40 2018 Convention Committees.............................40-43 2017 and 2018 District Governors����������������������43-44 Past National Convention Locations ������������������44-45 Past National Presidents.....................................45-48 District Ruritans of the Year. ...............................48-49 District Ruri-Teens of the Year. ................................ 49 District Rudy Youth of the Year �������������������������������� 49 Candidate Profiles...............................................50-64 Ballot Issues........................................................65-67 2018 Election Results Worksheet���������������������������� 68 Convention Center Diagram. ................................... 69
Convention Statistics inside back cover Convention Entertainment back cover
3 2018 Commemorative Program
National President’s Message Welcome to Charleston!
Dear Ruritan family and guests, WELCOME to Charleston, SC. and YOUR 87th Ruritan National Convention. First Lady Linda and I are excited that you have joined us here to take care of official Ruritan business, recognize and honor our
veterans, show respect for our flag, show reverence to our God, and celebrate our successes of 2017. Your Convention Committee and National Office Staff have been working hard to assure that this will be a National Convention that we all will be proud of and have fun attending. Please take part in the planned activities, develop new friendships, and attend workshops to learn new ideas to take back with you. If you see someone wearing a «first timers» green ribbon, please make them feel welcomed so they will want to attend future conventions. Thank you for giving us the honor, privilege, and opportunity to be the leaders of the greatest organization anywhere. We were able to see firsthand the good works you do in and for your communities in the name of Ruritan. May God continue to bless Ruritan and the deeds performed by Ruritans. Remember: TOGETHER WE AFFECT CHANGE, Because We Believe In Ruritan! Again, Linda and I welcome you to Charleston, SC, the “Holy City” and the home of the PINEAPPLE as the symbol of WELCOME! 2017 National President and First Lady, Danny and Linda Privott
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2018 Convention Chairs’ Message Welcome to our home state of South
Carolina and the beau- tiful city of Charleston. Your 2018 National Convention commit- tee welcomes each of you to the “Holy City”
of Charleston, known for it’s hospitality and great fellowship, food, and sights. As we gather this year to celebrate Ruritan’s 90th year, let’s remember our founding fathers and their goals to make Ruritan the leading community civic club organization in America and each of you are a part of their legacy. The con- vention committee has planned an awesome con- vention. With the opening ceremonies we begin our convention with an inspiring service, flag ceremony, fantastic speaker, and great meal. We continue with our Red, White, or Blue dress Friday, celebrate our veterans and honor our 1st Lady. We continue with tours in and around Charleston and conclude Satur- day with a fantastic banquet and entertainment. We will take care of Ruritan business each day but also have planned great trips and activities. As with all conventions, our goal is to make this the best Nation- al Convention you have attended. Enjoy the events and activities and let’s give Presi- dent Danny and 1st Lady Linda a huge Thank you for their service to Ruritan in 2017. We want to thank Mike, Craig, and the entire National Office Staff for their hard work in making this convention the best.
We appreciate each of you!! 2018 Convention Co-Chairs, Gary and Jimmy
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2018 Convention Program Committee 2007 National President Jimmy Bristow – Co-Chair 1998 National President Gary Taylor – Co-Chair Danny Privott – 2017 National President Norman O’Dell – President’s Aide Michael Chrisley – Executive Director Responsibilities of a Delegate As a club delegate, you have the responsibility of representing your club in matters that affect the entire Ruritan organization. Your duties as a delegate include: 1. Declaring your delegate status by registering with the Credentials Committee. 2. Have the duty to attend business meetings. 3. Should become familiar with the National Convention Standing Rules which are published in this program booklet. 4. Vote as you see fit on questions at the convention except as your club may have instructed you with regards to particular matters scheduled for consideration. 5. Upon returning from the convention, present a report to your club concerning what transpired at the convention. The Ruritan National business meeting will take place on Friday, January 19, and Saturday, January 20, 2018. Please see that official business portion of this program booklet beginning on page 36. National Officers, National Directors, and a Foundation Trustee will be elected.
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OFFICIAL BUSINESS MEETING AGENDA The next 6 pages contain the official agenda of the 2018 Ruritan National Business Meeting and the Standing Rules of the National Convention. Ruritan delegates will approve this portion of the agenda as the first item of business when they convene Friday. 87th ANNUAL CONVENTION RURITAN NATIONAL January 19, 2018 Friday Business Meeting Ballroom C (Convention Center First Floor) START TIME: 9:00 a.m. PRESIDING: 2017 National President Danny Privott Welcome 2018 Convention Co-Chair Jimmy Bristow America
Vickie Lerch Invocation Phillip Bradshaw Introduction of the National President (stand) Jimmy Bristow Adoption of Convention Program Danny Privott First Report of the Credentials Committee Jerry Atkins, Chair Report of the Nominating Committee Millard Thacker, Chair Short Speeches by Candidates Ruritan National Foundation Pat Davis, Foundation President Announcement of Rudy Bears/Donations Publicity & Public Relations Committee
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Bylaw Concerns Bylaws Committee and GD/MR Committee Presentation of Rudy Youth of the Year Danny Privott - Youth Committee Chair Mike Morrison Presentation of Ruri-Teen of the Year Danny Privott - Youth Committee Chair Mike Morrison Presentation of Ruritan of the Year Danny Privott Presentation of the Military Flags 1978 National President Bobby Wrenn Veterans Speaker Major General R. Steve Siegfried Announcements National Secretary James Mills Recess Danny Privott 87th ANNUAL CONVENTION RURITAN NATIONAL January 20, 2018 Saturday Business Meeting Ballroom C Convention Center First Floor START TIME: 9:00 a.m. PRESIDING: 2017 National President Danny Privott Welcome 2018 Convention Co-Chair Gary Taylor Introduction of the National President (stand) Gary Taylor Second Report of the Credentials Committee Jerry Atkins, Chair Introduction/Board Recognition of Members with over 50 years Recognition of Ruritan Forever Participants
Recognition of Golden Key Recipients Recognition of Outgoing Board and
Committee Members Membership Awards
8 2018 Commemorative Program
District Growth Awards Communication Awards Other Awards Recognition of Gold Community Service Clubs
Ruritan National Foundation Pat Davis, Foundation President National Treasurers Report Dale Bricker National Secretary’s Report James Mills, National Secretary Executive Director’s Report Michael Chrisley Resolutions Committee Report JoAnn Wenger, Chair Bylaws Committee Report David Thompson, Chair Wanted Contest Drawing
Growth, Development, Member Retention Committee a) 1 free registration & 2 nights stay for Hampton 2019 b) 1 free registration c) 1 free flat screen TV
Youth Committee Raffle Youth Committee Members
2019 National Convention – Hampton 2019 Convention Co-Chair Joe Pancione 2019 Convention Co-Chair Jerry Ellis 2017 President Elect Guy Cox Hampton CVB Michelle Hergenrother Teller’s Report and Election Results Jerry Atkins, Chair Declaration of Elected Officials Danny Privott New Business Announcements James Mills Pledge 2017 Ruritan of the Year
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Rule 1. Delegate Certification: a) The Credentials Committee, directly after the opening ceremonies of the first business meeting, shall report the number of delegates and alternates registered as present with the proper credentials, and shall make a supplementary report after opening exercises at the beginning of each day that business continues b) A member registered as an alternate may, upon proper clearance by the Credentials Committee, be transferred from alternate to delegate at any time during the continuance of business meetings. Rule 2. Delegate Seating: Delegates should be seated by districts in the business meetings. Each district should be identified by proper marker. The District Governor or a spokesperson will give district counts on voting when necessary. Rule 3. Admission to the Floor: For admission to the assembly hall, members, delegates, and alternates shall be required to wear the appropriate badge issued by the Credentials Committee upon registration in order to facilitate identification and seating. Rule 4. Debate: a) Any delegate addressing the chair must identify himself or herself by name, club affiliation, or office held if a Delegate-at-Large. b) No member shall speak in debate more than once on the same question, or longer than two minutes, without permission of the convention granted by a two-thirds vote without debate.
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Rule 5. Certification: Each Convention delegate shall be certified only one time. Each certified delegate will be allowed only one (1) vote on all matters before the National Convention. Rule 6. Conduct of Delegates During the business meetings, delegates should, to the extent possible, be seated and keep the aisles clear. All cell phones and/or other types of electronic devices shall either be turned off or placed in a silent mode. Rule 7. Nominations for Office Nominations for each office to be filled by the convention shall be limited to one nomination speech of two minutes each. Rule 8. Voting: All voting shall be held in accordance with the Bylaws of Ruritan National. The total number of votes for any office will be the number of votes recorded by the vote counting machine. Rule 9. National Bylaws Amendments: a) All proposed amendments to the Ruritan National Bylaws shall be referred to the Convention Bylaws Committee. b) Any active Ruritan member may present proposed changes to the Bylaws of Ruritan National to the Convention Bylaws Committee. The member shall provide the committee with six (6) copies of each proposed change. c) At a business session before the official vote, time shall be allowed for discussion of proposed Bylaws changes identified on the ballot. Rule 10. Convention Resolutions: a) All proposed Convention Resolutions shall be referred to the Convention Resolutions Committee.
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b) Any active Ruritan member may present proposed Convention Resolutions to the Convention Resolutions Committee. The member shall provide the committee with six (6) copies of each proposed resolution. c) The Convention Resolutions Committee shall prepare suitable resolutions to carry into effect recommendations referred to it, and shall submit to the convention, with the Committee’s own recommendation as to appropriate action, these and all other resolutions referred to the Committee, except questions which by a vote of two-thirds of its members may decide not to report. d) Courtesy Resolutions need only be summarized and not read in their entirety. e) The convention delegates, by a majority vote, may suspend this Rule and immediately consider a question, or may order the Resolutions Committee to report a question at a certain time, even if the Committee has voted not to report it. Rule 11. Reports: All reports and other material for the permanent record shall be in writing, (preferably typed) and, immediately on presentation, shall be sent to the Secretary. Rule 12. Announcements: Notices for announcements to the convention shall be in writing, signed by the person (or proper representative of the persons) under whose authority the announcement is issued and shall be sent to the Secretary. Rule 13. Solicitations: There will be no solicitations at the National Convention unless previously approved by the National Board of Directors. Members will not be assessed for any purpose.
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Rule 14. Campaigning: Campaigning by future candidates for Ruritan National Offices (i.e., handing out literature/ brochures) will not occur until after election results are announced. Rule 15. Parliamentary Authority The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the convention in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the bylaws of Ruritan National and these standing rules. END OF OFFICIAL BUSINESS MEETING AGENDA AND STANDING RULES OF THE NATIONAL CONVENTION GENERAL INFORMATION 2017 National Convention Official Minutes The official minutes are included in the 2018 Annual Report. The attachments are available for review during normal business hours in the Ruritan Information Office at this convention, and the Ruritan National Office in Dublin, VA. NOTE: All meetings and events will be held in the Embassy Suites Charleston Area Hotel & Convention Center unless otherwise specified.
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Ruritan Information Booth Convention Center Second Floor Foyer Wednesday: 1 to 7 p.m. Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Credentials and Registration Convention Center Second Floor Foyer Wednesday: 1 to 7 p.m. Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Voting Friday: 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Room 4 Second Floor Saturday: 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Voting Saturday: 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Room 4 Second Floor Exhibits Convention Center Second Floor Foyer Wednesday: 1 to 7 p.m. Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Candidate Tables Convention Center Second Floor Foyer Wednesday: 1 to 7 p.m. Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. All tables must be cleared off by 1 p.m.
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Silent Auction Convention Center Rooms 6 & 7 Second Floor Wednesday: 1 to 7 p.m.
Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Winning bids can be picked up between 3:30 and 7:00 p.m. All live auction items will be moved to Ballroom C before the 50 th Anniversary Celebration. Ruritan Supply Convention Center Room 8 Second Floor Wednesday: 1 to 7 p.m. Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed from 1p.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Reception and Fellowship
Members of the Reception and Fellowship Committee from the Columbia and Spartan Districts will be in the lobby of the Embassy Suites on Wednesday and Thursday to greet and offer assistance to Ruritans as they arrive. Security In the interest of safety and your security, all activities at this convention will be controlled. Access will be limited to registered convention attendees. Attendees will be required to show their official convention registration name badge at all times. This includes business meetings, exhibits, workshops, and meals . Our convention Sgts-at-Arms have been instructed to enforce this policy. Please co-operate with them. They are working in your best interest and for your personal safety.
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2018 Convention Memories Order your CD of 2018 Convention candid photos – including award presentation pictures – from the Registration Booth for $16 (includes postage), or contact Ruritan National (toll-free at 877-787-8727) after the convention. CDs will be shipped in 4-6 weeks. Cell Phones, Beepers, and Other Devices Please be courteous to presenters and fellow attendees. Turn off or silence your cell phone, beeper, or other electronic devices while in educational and plenary sessions. Announcements If you need an announcement to be made from the podium during a meeting or meal, please complete the Announcement form available at Registration or at them Ruritan Information Booth and bring it to the Ruritan Information Booth. Welcome First Time Convention Attendees First time attendees at our National Convention are wearing a GREEN RIBBON on their convention badge. Please make them feel welcome. Recognize our Military Veterans Ruritan military veterans attending this convention are wearing ribbons on their name badges designating their branch of service. Take a minute to thank them for the freedoms we enjoy today. If you are a veteran and you don’t have a ribbon, you may get one at the Registration Counter.
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Ruritans with 50 Years or More Service Ruritans with membership of 50 years or more are wearing special ribbons on their name badges and will be recognized at the Saturday morning business meeting and take their seats in a specially designated section. See a Sgt-at-Arms for details. If you didn’t get a ribbon, check at the Registration Counter. Other Displays – Don’t Miss These! Throughout the public areas of the Charleston Area Convention Center you will find Communication Award winners, Ruritan History Boards, and Candidates’ Tables. Be sure and visit all of these important displays. Smoking Policy – Embassy Suites & the Charleston Area Convention Center are non-smoking facilities; smoking is not permitted inside of the hotel or convention center and smoking is not permitted within twenty feet of the entrances and exits of the hotel. If someone smokes inside of a guest room, there is a minimum of a $250 cleaning fee. 2018 Workshops Educational workshops will be held on Friday morning and Saturday morning.
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WEDNESDAY Ruritan Information Booth Convention Center Second Floor Foyer Wednesday: 1 to 7 p.m. Credentials and Registration Convention Center Second Floor Foyer Wednesday: 1 to 7 p.m. Exhibits Convention Center Second Floor Foyer Wednesday: 1 to 7 p.m. Candidate Tables Convention Center Second Floor Foyer Wednesday: 1 to 7 p.m. Silent Auction Convention Center Rooms 6 & 7 Second Floor Wednesday: 1 to 7 p.m. Ruritan Supply Convention Center Room 8 Second Floor Wednesday: 1 to 7 p.m. Convention Committee Chairs Meeting Room 1 Convention Center First Floor 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Candidate Certification Committee Meeting Room 5 Convention Center Second Floor 7 to 8 p.m. All Candidates should attend Workshop Committee Meeting Room 9 Convention Center Second Floor 8 to 9 p.m.
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Reception and Fellowship Meeting Room 11 Convention Center Second Floor 8 to 9 p.m. Sgt-at-Arms Committee Meeting Rooms 12-13 Convention Center Second Floor 8 to 9 p.m. THURSDAY Ruritan Information Booth Convention Center Second Floor Foyer Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Credentials and Registration Convention Center Second Floor Foyer Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Exhibits Convention Center Second Floor Foyer Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Candidate Tables Convention Center Second Floor Foyer Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Silent Auction Convention Center Rooms 6 & 7 Second Floor Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Ruritan Supply Convention Center Room 8 Second Floor Thursday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. First Time Convention Attendees Welcome Reception Rooms 12 & 13 Convention Center Second Floor 3 to 4 p.m.
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Resolutions Committee Meeting Room 5 Convention Center Second Floor 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Open to Receive Delegates Bylaws Committee Meeting Room 11 Convention Center Second Floor 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. Open to Receive Delegates
NOTES: _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________
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Vespers/Opening Dinner Ballroom A & B Convention Center First Floor START TIME: 6:00 p.m. Presiding: 2018 National Convention Co-Chair 1998 National President Gary Taylor Welcome Gary Taylor America 2017 Rocky Mt.-Durham District Governor Jeff Neese Announcements National Secretary James Mills Introduction of Past National Presidents The president’s escorts tonight are 2017 Rockingham Luncheon Club Secretary JoAnn Wenger, 2017 Peaks of Otter District Secretary Carol Tyler, 2017 Davy Crockett Foundation Chair Joe Jaynes, 2017 Corapeake Club Secretary Foster Parrish, 2017 Corapeake Club Director Debbie Parrish, 2017 Delmarva-New Jersey District Secretary Katharine Allen. Welcome 2017 National President Danny Privott Introduction of Local Dignitary Gary Taylor Dignitary’s comments Meal Memorial Service Ryan Ogle Flag Ceremony 1978 National President Bobby Wrenn Vespers Service Steve Siemens Pledge Jeff Neese James Mills Invocation 2017 Cherokee District Governor Ryan Ogle Presentation of the National President 2018 Convention Co-Chair Jimmy Bristow
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PRESIDENT’S RECEPTION Convention Center Foyer First Floor Immediately following the close of the Vespers/Opening Dinner Friday
THURSDAY NOTES: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________
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Friday Workshops
7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Ruritan Finances/Risk Management Room 5 Convention Center Second Floor Mike Chrisley Ruritan clubs and districts, as well as leaders at all levels, have legal responsibilities to the organization. Come by this workshop and learn about those legal issues as well as important insurance issues facing Ruritan today. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Bylaws Room 9 Convention Center Second Floor Bylaws Committee: David Thompson, Linward Hedgspeth, and Jonathan Lafollette Bylaws overview and Q&A on proposed bylaws motions 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Future Candidates Room 10 Convention Center Second Floor Don Yeargan Open discussion with individuals who are considering running for a National Ruritan office. Class will cover pointers, suggestions, pitfalls and broad discussion of what is expected of a person running for a National office.
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7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. “Lost Charleston: The Story of How Charleston became America’s Best Preserved Historic City” Room 11 Convention Center Second Floor Katherine Pemberton This illustrated PowerPoint lecture will cover some of the history and development of the city and its architecture. Learn how, despite numerous man-made and natural disasters it retains its historic character today. The talk focuses on how the loss of some key buildings spurred city residents to take an active role in its preservation – something that continues today. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. ALS Association of North Carolina Room 12 Convention Center Second Floor Christine Duque and Kate Spanier Learn about ALS (aka Lou Gehrig’s disease) and The ALS Association’s vision to create a world without ALS through global research, patient care and advocacy. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Funding Your Committee Service Projects Room 13 Convention Center Second Floor Joe Sawyer Would you like to be able to provide more money to your community? Come join our roundtable discussion to hear about new and exciting fundraising ideas.
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7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Ruritan National Foundation Room 14 Convention Center Second Floor O.H. Bobbitt, III Why the Ruritan National Foundation? This session will be a Question/Answer format so bring your specific questions for the Foundation. While this will not be a policy discussion session, we will try to answer the provocative question: “What is the Ruritan National Foundation and what can it mean to my club and community?” Ruritan Information Booth Convention Center Second Floor Foyer Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Credentials and Registration Convention Center Second Floor Foyer Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Delegate Certification ends at 1:00 p.m . Exhibits Convention Center Second Floor Foyer Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Candidate Tables Convention Center Second Floor Foyer 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. All tables must be cleared off by 1 p.m. Silent Auction Convention Center Rooms 6 & 7 Second Floor 8:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. (Winning bids can be picked up between 3:30 and 7 p.m. All live auction items will be moved to Ballroom C before the Foundation’s 50 th Anniversary Celebration.)
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Ruritan Supply Convention Center Room 8 Second Floor Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Closed from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. Youth Room Convention Center Room 14 Second Floor 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
NOTES: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________
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Friday Business Meeting Ballroom C Convention Center First Floor START TIME: 9:00 a.m. PRESIDING: 2017 National President Danny Privott Welcome 2018 Convention Co-Chair Jimmy Bristow America Vickie Lerch Invocation Phillip Bradshaw Introduction of the National President (stand) Jimmy Bristow Adoption of Convention Program Danny Privott First Report of the Credentials Committee Jerry Atkins, Chair Report of the Nominating Committee Millard Thacker, Chair Short Speeches by Candidates Ruritan National Foundation Pat Davis Announcement of Rudy Bears/Donations Publicity & Public Relations Committee Bylaw Concerns Bylaws Committee & GD&MR Committee Presentation of Rudy Youth of the Year Danny Privott & Youth Committee Chair Mike Morrison Presentation of Ruri-Teen of the Year Danny Privott & Youth Committee Chair Mike Morrison Presentation of Ruritan of the Year Danny Pirovtt
Presentation of the Military Flags 1978 National President Bobby Wrenn Veterans Speaker Major General R. Steve Siegfried Announcements National Secretary James Mills Recess Danny Privott
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First Lady’s Luncheon Ballroom A & B Convention Center First Floor START TIME: 12:00 p.m. PRESIDING: Past National Director Anne Hillard Welcome Anne Hillard Presentation of the First Lady Anne Hillard The First Lady’s escorts today are: grandchildren: Lindsay Rash, Amanda Hurdle, Danielle Hurdle, Cassie Hurdle, JT Hurdle, and great-grandchildren - Alyssa Rash and James Rash, Jr. Recognition of Former First Spouses/Daughter 2000 First Lady Janie Lafollette America 2017 Spartan District Secretary Amanda Parris Introduction of DRM’s, Ruritan, Ruri-Teen, and Rudy Youth of the Year Anne Hillard Invocation Corapeake Club Debbie Parrish MEAL Introduction of the Head Table Anne Hillard Introduction of First Lady Linda Privott Jeff Privott First Lady Linda Privott’s Remarks Special Song 2017 Rocky Mt.-Durham District Governor Jeff Neese Introduction of Entertainment Anne Hillard Entertainment Jane Herlong
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Announcements James Mills Pledge
Lindsay Rash, Amanda Hurdle, Danielle Hurdle, Cassie Hurdle, JT Hurdle, Alyssa Rash, and James Rash,Jr.
Voting Room 4 Convention Center Second Floor 2 to 5 p.m. Delegates properly credentialed at the Ruritan National Convention will have the option of voting from their hotel room or some other remote site. During the time for voting (Friday, January 19, from 2 p.m. through Saturday, January 20. 10:00 a.m.) a delegate might choose to vote from his or her hotel room on his or her own computer, tablet, or other device. Each delegate will have to enter a delegate code (assigned at certification) to allow for one voting session per delegate. This should considerably reduce the lines for voting and allow a delegate more freedom for other activities. Instructions for remote voting will be provided when you are certified. The Voting room (Room 4 Second Floor) will be open on Friday from 2 to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 8 to 10 a.m. for those that wish to come and vote in person.
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NOTES: _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ Foundation 50th Anniversary Celebration Ballroom C Convention Center First Floor Starting at 8 p.m. Foundation Auction will immediately follow the Foundation 50 th Anniversary Celebration, approximately 8:15 p.m.
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Saturday Workshops
7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Your Ruritan Club’s Future and Direction Room 5 Convention Center Second Floor Glen Broadwater, O.H. & Deborah Bobbitt & Carol Tyler Where will your Ruritan Club be in 5, 10, or 50 years? The answer lies in the past and in the future. During this breakout session participants will explore the Positive and “not-so-Positive” items about their club’s past. Then, collaboratively, participants will boldly think “out-side” the normal constraints of the past (That’s the way it’s always been done) and form a new direction for their club and Ruritan. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Club President/Vice President/Directors Room 9 Convention Center Second Floor Sarah Kelly Necessary skills needed to lead your club in the year to come. This training satisfies the required office training for annual awards. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. What Works When Room 10 Convention Center Second Floor Jerome Rodes Learn the how, what, where, when, why and why not of being a zone governor.
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7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Let’s Get Talked About Room 11 Convention Center Second Floor Publicity & Public Relations Committee & Shumsky Representative Michelle Monhollen There is only one thing worse than being talked about and that is not being talked about. Working with our promotional partner, Shumsky, Inc., learn how to get the word out about RURITAN so when people see our name and logo, they will talk about us. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Club Secretary Room 12 Convention Center Second Floor James Mills This workshop will teach you “what to do,” “when to do,” and “how to do” your new job as the club secretary. When you leave this workshop you will have the tools and confidence to be the “Best Club Secretary” your club could have. This training satisfies the required office training for annual awards. 7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Club Treasurer – Key to Club Success Room 13 Convention Center Second Floor Frank Kinsey This workshop will explain your duties as Club Treasurer and how you are key to the success of your club. You will learn the responsibilities of the job and how you can be key to member retention and growth. This training satisfies the required office training for annual awards.
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7:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. Making Connections : Youth and Adult Room 14 Convention Center Second Floor Lexi O’Neal Ruritan is about working together, so why as Ruritans do we often think of us and them. Come join our workshop to learn how working together can benefit our great organization. Credentials and Registration Convention Center Second Floor Foyer Saturday: 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. Ruritan Information Booth Convention Center Second Floor Foyer Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Exhibits Convention Center Second Floor Foyer Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Ruritan Supply Convention Center Room 8 Second Floor Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Youth Room Convention Center Room 14 Second Floor 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
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8 to 10 a.m. Voting
Room 4 Convention Center Second Floor Delegates properly credentialed at the Ruritan National Convention will have the option of voting from their hotel room or some other remote site. During the time for voting (Friday, January 19, from 2:00 p.m. through Saturday, January 20, 10:00 a.m.) a delegate might choose to vote from his or her hotel room on his or her own computer, tablet, or other device. Each delegate will have to enter a delegate code (assigned at certification) to allow for one voting session per delegate. This should considerably reduce the lines for voting and allow a delegate more freedom for other activities. Instructions for remote voting will be provided when you are certified. The Voting room (Room 4 Second Floor) will be open on Friday from 2 to 5 p.m. and Saturday from 8 to 10 a.m. for those that wish to come and vote in person.
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Business Meeting Ballroom C Convention Center First Floor START TIME: 9:00 a.m. PRESIDING: 2017 National President Danny Privott Welcome 2018 Convention Co-Chair Gary Taylor Introduction of the National President (stand) Gary Taylor Second Report of the Credentials Committee Jerry Atkins, Chair Introduction/Board Recognition of Members with over 50 years Recognition of Ruritan Forever Participants Recognition of Golden Key Recipients Recognition of Outgoing Board Committee Members Membership Awards District Growth Awards Communication Awards Other Awards Recognition of Gold Community Service Clubs
Ruritan National Foundation Foundation President Pat Davis National Treasurers Report Dale Bricker National Secretary’s Report James Mills Executive Director’s Report Michael Chrisley Resolutions Committee JoAnn Wenger, Chair Bylaws Committee Report David Thompson, Chair
35 2018 Commemorative Program
Wanted Contest Drawing Growth, Development, and Member Retention Committee a) 1 free registration & 2 nights stay Hampton 2019 b) 1 free registration c) 1 free flat screen TV 2019 National Convention – Hampton 2019 Convention Co-Chair Joe Pancione 2019 Convention Co-Chair Jerry Ellis 2017 President Elect Guy Cox Hampton CVB Michelle Hergenrother Teller’s Report and Election Results Jerry Atkins, Chair Declaration of Elected Officials Danny Privott New Business Announcements James Mills Pledge 2017 Ruritan of the Year Workshop 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. “AAA: The Formula For An Attractive Club” Ballroom C (Convention Center First Floor) Steve Siemens To be relevant and amazing, a club needs to reinvent itself, make important changes, and journey down paths that are new, different, fun, and results oriented. This session will help you bring your A GAME to your club for becoming more attractive, active, and amazing. Each participant will leave with tools and skills to implement immediately. Youth Committee Raffle Youth Committee members
36 2018 Commemorative Program
Installation Banquet Ballroom A & B Convention Center First Floor START TIME: 6:30 p.m. (Doors open at 6:15 p.m.) PRESIDING: Past National Director Sarah Kelly Welcome Sarah Kelly Presentation of 2017 National President Danny Privott 2018 Convention Co-Chair Jimmy Bristow Invocation O.H. Bobbitt, Foundation Trustee DINNER Presentation of Head Table Sarah Kelly Outgoing President remarks 2017 National President Danny Privott Installation of 2018 Officers 2010 National President Jerome Rodes Ruritan National Foundation Remarks 2018 Foundation President Jayson Duncan Installation of 2018 National President 2006 National President Joe Pancione Address of 2018 National President 2018 National President Guy Cox Announcements National Secretary James Mills Pledge 2014 Upper West Virginia Governor Debora Hedrick Entertainment Rocky Hock Opry
37 2018 Commemorative Program
SUNDAY Ruritan Worship Service Ballroom C Convention Center First Floor START TIME: 7:30 a.m. (Doors open at 7:15 a.m.) Worship Leader Michael Decker, Senior Pastor at 3 Strands and Lieutenant at Greeneville SC Sheriffs Office Song Leader Michael Decker Head Usher 1978 National President Robert Wrenn NOTES: _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________
38 2018 Commemorative Program
Executive Committee 2017 Ruritan President Danny Privott – Hertford, NC President Elect Clinton Guy Cox – Kingwood, WV National Secretary James M. Mills, Jr. - Kennesaw, GA National Treasurer Dale Bricker – Canfield, OH 2016 Ruritan President Calvin Shelton – Greeneville, TN Executive Director, Advisor Michael Chrisley – Dublin, VA Third Year Directors Larry Cassell – Jefferson, MD Les Hopper – Rome, GA Nell Jeffries – Athens, WV Michael Morrison – Aylett, VA* Don Ramey – Harrison, TN Gary Solomon – Glade Hill, VA David Thompson – Dinwiddie, VA *Term March 2017-January 2018 Second Year Directors Glen Broadwater – Nicklesville, VA Susan Greisz – Mt. Jackson, VA Linward Hedgspeth – Rougemont, NC Carroll Lowe – Millers Creek, NC
Gary Olinger – Blountville, TN Howard Tanner – Fairfield, IL Lee Tomlinson – Jackson, TN
39 2018 Commemorative Program
First Year Directors George Brothers – Durham, NC Sarah Kelly – Cross Junction, VA** Janet Kinsey – St. Clairsville, OH Jonathan Lafollette – Jonesborough, TN Betty Moore – Rustburg, VA*** Danny Phillips – Spartanburg, SC Marty Sewell – Richmond, KY Stanley Turner – Windsor, VA ** Term August 2017-January 2018 ***Deceased 6/12/2017 2017 FOUNDATION TRUSTEES President – Pat Davis Vice President – Jayson Duncan Secretary – Corky Camin Treasurer – Brent Wheeler Promotion Chair – O.H. Bobbitt, III
2018 Convention Program Committee 2007 National President Jimmy Bristow 1998 National President Gary Taylor Danny Privott – 2017 National President Norman O’Dell – President’s Aide Michael Chrisley – Executive Director Registration and Credentials Past National Director Jerry Atkins – Chair Past Piedmont District Governor Debi Davis – Co Chair National Director Carroll Lowe Sandra Lowe Norvelline Atkins Nick Ramey
Anne Hedgspeth Donna Tomlinson Vicky Mills Linda Broadwater
40 2018 Commemorative Program
Flag Ceremony 1978 National President Robert C Wrenn – Chair Harold Rogers Past National Director Eugene Tasker Presidential Appointments Carrying the North Carolina Flag: James Earl Taylor, Hall Club Treasurer Carrying the American Flag: Past National Director Lonnie Hines Carrying the Ruritan Flag: 2017 National President Elect Guy Cox Torch Bearer: 2017 Peaks of Otter District Secretary & Treasurer Carol Tyler Sergeant-at-Arms National Director Mike Morrison – Chair National Director Don Ramey- Co-Chair National Director Glen Broadwater- Co-Chair 2017 District Governors 2018 District Governors President’s Escorts Opening Ceremonies: 2017 Delmarva-New Jersey District Secretary Katharine Allen, 2017 Davy Crockett Foundation Chair Joe Jaynes, 2017 Corapeake Club Secretary Foster Parrish and 2017 Corapeake Club Director Debbie Parrish, 2017 Peaks of Otter District Secretary & Treasurer Carol Tyler, 2017 Rockingham Luncheon Club Secretary JoAnn Wenger Friday Business Session: 2017 Delmarva-New Jersey District Secretary Katharine Allen, 2017 Davy Crockett Foundation Chair Joe Jaynes, 2017 Corapeake Club Secretary Foster Parrish and 2017 Corapeake Club Director Debbie Parrish, 2017 Peaks of Otter District Secretary & Treasurer Carol Tyler, 2017 Rockingham Luncheon Club Secretary JoAnn Wenger
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Saturday Banquet :Jana Hurdle and Jeff Privott, Lindsay Rash, Amanda Hurdle, Danielle Hurdle, Cassie Hurdle, JT Hurdle, Alyssa Rash and James Rash, Jr. Reception and Fellowship Columbia District Governor Albert Amick – Co-Chair Spartan District Governor Isaiah Wilson – Co-Chair Nomination Committee 2002 National President Millard Thacker – Chair National Director Susan Greisz National Director Sarah Kelly Resolutions 2017 Rockingham Luncheon Club Secretary JoAnn Wenger – Chair 2017 Peaks of Otter District Publicity Chair Deborah Bobbitt Past National Director Kay Pearson Bylaws National Director David Thompson– Chair Past National Director Anne Hillard Past National Director Frank Kinsey Convention Workshop National Director Nell Jeffries – Chair
National Director Linward Hedgspeth National Director Jonathan Lafollette Parliamentarian Donald Nance Organist/Pianist 2018 Spartan District Treasurer Alton Free
42 2018 Commemorative Program
Community Outreach Publicity and Public Relations National Director Larry Cassell – Chair National Director Carroll Lowe National Director George Brothers Awards National Director Les Hopper– Chair National Director Howard Tanner National Director Danny Phillips
Nan York
Phillip Bradshaw Cleve Wright R. Wallace Hudson O H Bobbitt III
Gloria Winston Dennis Bagnell Bruce Butler O H Bobbitt III Jesse Choate James Frazier Edward Hicks Martha Moyers Dennis Barthlow Timothy Spitler Alvin Lewis Jeff Neese Tony P. Moore Neil Guin Isiah Wilson Albert Amick Kenneth Paugh Larry Bowman Bryan Franklin
Rappahannock Pear Underwood
Appomattox Peaks Of Otter
Southwest Virginia Charles Bullock Natural Bridge John Mize Woodrow Wilson Elaine Barr Rockingham Caroll Keller
Potomac Albemarle Roanoke
Steve Kidwell Timothy Spitler Alvin Lewis
Rocky Mt.-Durham Harold Rogers Greenville-Goldsboro Tony P. Moore
Cape Fear Spartan Columbia Upper WVA Lower WVA Bluegrass Tennessean Cherokee
Polly Bouldin Isiah Wilson Albert Amick Bryan Flanagan Roy Mullins Scott Sharp
Tom Page Ryan Ogle
Terry Lee Harkleroad
Marie Mosley
Charles McEntire, Jr. Leon Collins Marc Wahler, Sr.
Georgia N. Alabama Vicky Ann Mills
Linda Dodson
Alabama-Florida Marc Wahler, Sr.
43 2018 Commemorative Program
Mike Wright Mike Smith
John Biery
Western NC Leslie Gentry
George D. Knotts Donna Sutphin Ray Martin, Jr. James Barger
Delmarva-NJ Piedmont Dan River Lincolnland New River Davy Crockett
Robert Newton Don White Sr. Barry Sides James Barger Juliann Poff Marion Bailey
Tereba Bott Cindy Kricko Lynn Fillers
Smoky Mountain Curtis Thomas Middle America Mark Warren
Raymond George Robert F. Payne Rusty Clayton
Rapidan Tall Corn
Perry Marshman
None Listed
Opportunity Land TBA
2017 TBA TBA
2018 TBA
Great Plains Gulf Area
New York Area TBA
Past National Convention Locations
1932 Suffolk, VA 1933 Suffolk, VA
1950 Myrtle Beach, SC 1951 Roanoke, VA 1952 Asheville, NC 1953 Richmond, VA 1954 Washington, DC 1955 Washington, DC 1956 Atlanta, GA 1957 Richmond, VA 1958 New Orleans, LA 1959 Washington, DC 1960 Louisville, KY 1961 Washington, DC 1962 Miami, FL 1963 Atlantic City, NJ 1964 New Orleans, LA 1965 Philadelphia, PA 1966 Jekyll Island, GA 1967 Cleveland, OH
1934 Petersburg, VA 1935 Petersburg, VA 1936 Petersburg, VA 1937 Richmond, VA 1938 Richmond, VA 1939 Richmond, VA 1940 Richmond, VA 1941 Richmond, VA 1942 Richmond, VA 1943 Richmond, VA 1944 Richmond, VA 1945 Richmond, VA 1946 Elizabeth City, NC 1947 Durham, NC 1948 Roanoke, VA 1949 Roanoke, VA
44 2018 Commemorative Program
1968 Virginia Beach, VA 1969 Jekyll Island, GA 1970 New Orleans, LA 1971 Memphis, TN 1972 New York, NY 1973 Atlanta, GA 1974 Tampa, FL 1975 Chicago, IL 1976 Philadelphia, PA 1977 Mobile, AL 1978 Washington, DC 1979 Cincinnati, OH 1980 St. Louis, MO 1981 New Orleans, LA 1982 Orlando, FL 1983 Atlanta, GA 1984 Nashville, TN 1985 Washington, DC 1986 Louisville, KY 1987 Orlando, FL 1988 Cincinnati, OH 1989 Virginia Beach, VA 1990 Nashville, TN 1991 Louisville, KY 1992 Kansas City, MO 1993 Little Rock, AR
1994 Charlotte, NC 1995 Mississippi Beach, MS 1996 Louisville, KY 1997 Greensboro, NC 1998 Orlando, FL 1999 Indianapolis, IN 2000 Myrtle Beach, SC 2001 Chattanooga, TN 2002 Lexington, KY 2003 Norfolk, VA 2004 Winston-Salem, NC 2005 Jacksonville, FL 2006 Chattanooga, TN 2007 Louisville, KY 2008 Nashville, TN 2009 Myrtle Beach, SC 2010 Virginia Beach, VA 2011 Knoxville, TN 2012 Raleigh, NC 2013 Covington, KY 2014 Branson, MO 2015 Greensboro, NC 2016 Jacksonville, FL 2017 Kingsport, TN 2018 Charleston, SC
Past National Presidents
Club/State Boykins/VA Boykins/VA Chuckatuck/VA
1930 *Dr. J.M. Bland 1931 *Dr. J.M. Bland 1932 *J.R. Kirk 1933 *Stanley Burt 1934 *C.E. Holladay 1935 *T.V. Downing 1936 *Grayson Holt 1937 *Paul Everett 1938 *Marvin L. Gray
McKenney/VA Holland/VA Wakefield/VA
45 2018 Commemorative Program
1939 *Marvin L. Gray 1940 *W.P. McGuire 1941 *John H. Rolston 1942 *Charlie Unruh 1943 *John Henry Powell 1944 *Howard Spangler 1946 *Swindell Lowery 1947 *Howard Zigler 1948 *Charlie E. Myers 1949 *Garland Gray 1950 *Curtis Old 1951 *L.W. Alford 1952 *Mills E. Godwin 1953 *Hassel Evans 1954 *W. H. (Bill) Brake 1955 *Frank W. Kellam 1957 *Elmo Johnson 1958 *Rome Schwagel 1959 *Fred K. Betts, III 1960 *Fulton Stokes 1961 *Robert F. Smith 1962 *Floyd Lower 1963 *Harold Singleton 1964 *Russell Burgess 1965 *Robert L. Amick 1966 *Edwin H. Ragsdale 1967 Robert Bailey 1968 *Charles Allen 1969 *Kelly L. Chapman, Jr. 1970 *Johnny R. Clark 1971 *Mayhew Whayland 1972 *Richard J. Klyne 1973 Charles Bridwell 1975 * U.L. (Buddy) Lee, Jr. 1976 *Earl Buchanan 1945 *L.T. Hall 1956 *D.R. Hill 1974 *L.W. Bibb, III
Wakefield/VA Prince George/VA West Rockingham/VA Westmoreland/VA
West Rockingham/VA
Windsor/VA Pasquotank/NC
Plains/VA Hanover/VA Waverly/VA Hickory/VA Walterboro/SC Chuckatuck/VA Unicoi County/TN West Edgecombe/NC Princess Anne/VA Duncan/SC Mosheim/TN Keedysville/MD Keezletown/VA White Oak/NC Limestone/TN Augusta/WV Gamewell/NC Glendale/VA Baileyton/TN Bluegrass/WV New Hope/VA Lisbon/OH Madison Heights/VA Oak Hill-Burke/NC Beaver Run/MD Berlin-Ellsworth/OH Indian Springs/TN
Brookville/VA McCullers/NC Allendale/IL Pinson/TN
1977 Jerry F. Ellis
46 2018 Commemorative Program
1978 Robert C. Wrenn 1979 J. Thomas Benfield 1980 C. Edgar Cartner 1981 *Robert Davis 1982 *James K. Rader 1983 James Amick 1984 *Ervin Miles 1985 *Thomas Rouse 1986 David H. Freshly 1987 Bob Houck 1988 Willis Overby 1989 John Dempsey 1990 Marion Chiles 1991 Richard Weakley 1992 *Jerry Walker 1993 Wayne Bettis 1994 *Dick Schmidt 1995 Frank Guthrie 1996 Van Orden T. Lee 1997 Braxton Bell 1998 Gary Taylor 1999 Rick Poff 2000 Jim LaFollette
Point of Rocks/MD South Strand/SC Sheffield-Calahaln/NC Bonsack-Blue Ridge/VA Lower Richland/SC Southern Caswell/NC Cherry Grove/NC Cosby/TN
Lawsonville/NC Armuchee/GA Farragut/TN Downing/VA West View/SC Camp Creek/TN Richlands/WV South River/MD Downing/VA Pineview/SC Belmont II/VA Hickory/VA
McPheeters Bend/TN Church Hill/TN Cooper Creek /TN 2001 Elizabeth “Betty” Chaney Silver Triangle/MD Sudlersville/MD 2002 Millard Thacker Rougemont/NC 2003 George Winslow Carrollton/VA Possum Hollow/VA 2004 John Hancock Chesterfield/VA 2005 Jim McKinney Harrison/TN Cherokee Too/TN 2006 Joe Pancione Augusta/WV Bean Settlement/WV Kirby/WV Romney/WV
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