National Convention 2018 Program
National Director Dennis Bagnell 1807 Cedar Hill Rd
Clear Brook, VA 22624 Phone: (540) 535-6166 Email: CLUB: Member, Stonewall District (VA) Ruritan Club (31 yrs. perfect attendance); Club President (1993, 2008); Vice President (1992, 2007); Treasurer (1991); Chair, Environment Committee, Business & Professions Committee; Director (multiple years); also served on Audit Committee; Club Ruritan of the Year 2012. DISTRICT: Lt. Governor 2013; District Governor 2014, 2017; District Secretary 2015; taught club vice president class. NATIONAL: Attended Leadership Conference 2012, 2014, 2017; served on Sergeant-at-Arms Committee 2014, 2015, 2017; Flag Ceremony 2014, 2017; Attended National Convention 1994, 2014, 2015-2017; Tom Downing Fellow. EDUCATION: Attended Strasburg High School; Virginia Tech, B.S. Agriculture Education. OCCUPATION: School Teacher (5 yrs); AgChem Manager (6 yrs.); Pen-Tab Supervisor (7 yrs.); Rubber- maid Commercial Products Process Technician (15 yrs.) (retired). OTHER: Eagle Scout; 4-H leader; Virginia 4-H All- Star; Member, White Hall United Methodist Church (PR Committee, Choir member; Sunday School teacher); High School sports official; Married to Denise for 36 years; Sons Blake, Brandon (Jessica), daughter, Lauren.
Biographies were printed as submitted by candidates
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