NRCA_AnnualReport_PROOF7 3-16-23
Curriculum, our classrooms participate in a trauma-informed interactions model called PBIS, Positive Based Interventions and Supports. Our pre school experience is complemented by a home/school partnership where parents are supported as their child's first and most important teacher and advocate. This home/school partnership promotes family well-being, positive parent-child relationships, and the skills needed for kindergarten success. Children whose parents or guardians engage in their education are more likely to achieve higher grades and test scores, have better attendance and feel positive about their school experience. NRCA Head Start served 49,496 breakfasts and lunches as children resumed a traditional in-person learning environment. Through community partnerships, many meals were delivered to families’ homes. At the end of our enrollment year for 2021-22, 360 children were reported to have an ongoing source of continuous and accessible healthcare. 205 were reported to have access to dental care. 26 children received medical treatment for vision problems. 315 children were reported as up-to-date on all immunizations appropriate for their age.
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