NRCA_AnnualReport_PROOF7 3-16-23
NewRiver Community Action Annual Report 2021-2022
Together We Thrive
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M I S S I O N S T A T E M E N T New River Community Action’s mission is to promote and support the well-being and self-reliance of individuals, families, and communities.
V I S I O N S T A T E M E N T A New River Valley where all people are empowered to thrive by ending multi-generational poverty and supporting our communities through services that are collaborative, accessible, respectful, and equitable.
V A L U E S Empower Diversity Trust Compassion
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Dear NRCA Community: As a supporter of New River Community Action (NRCA), you appreciate the critical and life-changing services we provide to our community’s most vulnerable citizens. Promoting well-being and self reliance is a community endeavor, and the success of one individual or family is a success for all. As a well-known proponent of self-sufficiency, NRCA offers "A Hand Up, Not a Hand Out" to those in need. We collaborate with local partners to mitigate the harmful effects of poverty through programs that help meet basic needs such as shelter and food, promote school readiness, strengthen families, and support economic stability. You helped us provide shelter for the homeless, food for the hungry, and support for families most at risk. Please join me in acknowledging our dedicated staff who worked tirelessly to fulfill our mission by providing excellent service to our consumers. We are grateful for the continued support of our donors, volunteers, board members, and funding partners. Together we served 7740 individuals, families and children living in the New River Valley during FY22. Together we made the New River Valley a better place for all. Together we thrive. Thank you for your support of NRCA, our community and those we serve! Tonia Winn
Tonia Winn
NRCA Board Chair Krystal Thompson Board Chair CEO
Krystal Thompson
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Head Start 48%
Administrative 14%
Other Programs 4%
Emergency Assistance 6%
Homeless and Housing 10%
Children’s Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP) 10%
Economic Investment
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
$6,573,969 $1,123,033 $372,156 $112,457
In-Kind Donations
Contributions/Fundraising United Way/Other Funding
Total Revenue
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Head Start
$3,970,760 $788,076 $639,829 $824,496 $471,289 $351,106 $1,136,227
Community Services Block Grant Programs (CSBG) Homeless and Housing Programs
Emergency Assistance
Other Programs Administrative
Total Expenses
Economic Investment Contributions/ Fundraising 5% United Way/ Other Funding 1%
In-Kind Donations 14%
Grants – 80%
Agency Revenues
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NRCA’s Homeless and Housing Programs consist of four service lines designed to assist households who are literally homeless or in jeopardy of becoming homeless. There are many circumstances that can lead to homelessness including: physical and mental illness, disability, unemployment, underemployment, lack of affordable housing
and re-entry for ex-offenders. The increasing cost of housing in the NRV (New River Valley) and the limited subsidized housing options with long wait lists only exacerbate the problem. Rapid Re-housing assists individuals and households who are literally homeless. The HUD (Housing and Urban Development) definition of literally homeless is “those individuals whose primary nighttime residence requires them to live in conditions that are not meant for human habitation.” For example, individuals sleeping in an automobile, under a bridge, in a tent or staying in a shelter are considered homeless. The rapid re-housing program can assist households with locating and securing housing, financial assistance can include rental and utility deposits, housing application fees, and temporary rental or utility support. Homeless Prevention assists individuals and households at imminent risk of losing their primary nighttime residence within 14 days or less. Households meeting eligibility requirements may receive temporary rental assistance including limited arrears and utility payments. Housing Counseling helps to develop a road map to safe, affordable, and permanent housing. Housing Counseling can include homeless assistance, rental topics, mortgage deficiency and default counseling, pre-purchase, and post-purchase counseling. Counselors work with households in developing a budget, discussing tenants’ rights and responsibilities, fair-housing, financial literacy, improving credit, and navigating the pre-purchase of a home. Other options include rental workshops and home maintenance and repair. Anyone 18 or older is eligible for free housing counseling. The Homeless and Housing Programs provided $97,904 in assistance to 126 households in the Rapid Re-housing program utilizing one state and one federal grant, along with three local Community Development Block grants (CDBG) from the City of Radford and the Towns of Blacksburg and Christiansburg. The Homeless Prevention program provided $86,789 in assistance to 72 households. The Homeless Prevention programs utilizes one state grant and three local CDBG grants to ensure individuals and families avoid homelessness and remain in their current residence.
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To Our House (TOH) is a thermal, overnight shelter for homeless adults. TOH finished its twelfth season in March of 2022. This program relies on the faith-based community for space, food, and volunteers. Host Churches provide shelter space, drivers for
a church van as transportation is needed, and evening and overnight volunteers. Support Churches provide meals, other food supplies, evening activities, and evening volunteers. With the assistance of 160 volunteers providing 865 volunteer hours, the program served 41 guests with 1,397 bed nights and 4,191 meals. Seven guests obtained employment, eleven guests were more stably housed, and eleven guests were permanently housed during the season. Since 2010 TOH has provided over 44,000 meals, provided over 13,000 bed nights, engaged over 56,000 volunteer hours, 191 guests found more stable housing, and 128 guests found employment. ■ ■ ■ ■
Experiencing declining health, Carrie lost her job and had to apply for disability. After getting behind on her rent, being evicted, and having no family or friends able to house her, Carrie came into To Our House (TOH). There she was given a warm place to sleep, access to three meals a day (including a warm, hearty evening meal provided by church
volunteers) and fellowship with other guests, volunteers, and staff. While she appreciated it all, she states that it was the fellowship she was most thankful to receive. With the length of time for a disability determination being out of anyone's control and with the recent eviction leaving her ineligible for some housing options, Carrie was concerned about what she would do at the end of the sheltering season. Because of an established relationship with a local landlord who had worked previously with NRCA, Carrie was able to move into permanent housing without a secured source of income. She obtained some furniture and essential household items at no cost through thrift store vouchers. In talking with Carrie recently, she was excited to have her grandson visit in her new home!
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NRCA’s Children’s Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP of NRV) partners with families and health affiliates to create nurturing home environments and healthy outcomes for families with young children. CHIP is a home visiting program that works with low-income families to prepare parents to be their child's first and most important teacher. CHIP’s goal is to ensure that families with young children from birth to age six receive consistent, quality health care and family-centered case management that fosters health, stability, good parenting, and self-sufficiency. The program model includes establishing medical and dental homes and promotes successful parenting through the national recognized evidence-based Parents as Teachers curriculum. A medical home is an approach to providing comprehensive primary care that facilitates partnerships between patients, clinicians, medical staff, and families. A medical home extends beyond the four walls of a clinical practice. It includes specialty care, educational services, family support and more. The CHIP Home Visiting Team consists of a Family Case Manager and a Registered Nurse. Staff help families set and reach health and self sufficiency goals. Family Case Managers plan visits based on the family's interests, needs, culture, language, and learning styles. They conduct developmental screenings, connect families to community-based programs, and provide case management. CHIP Nurses provide health education, medical case management, and conduct health assessments and early screenings for developmental delays. They support the health of both parent and child and are responsible for making medical and developmental referrals. All services emphasize prevention, early intervention, school readiness, and family empowerment. CHIP served 170 families, 280 children, and completed 3,000 Home Visits in Fiscal Year 2022. ■ ■ ■ ■
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Mary enrolled into the CHIP program when she was 7 months pregnant. She was a 21-year-old that experienced Shaken Baby Syndrome herself, as an infant, with mild-cognitive lasting effects. John, father of the child, was living with Mary in the basement of her grandparents’ house. Mary was interested in the prenatal education that CHIP provided to her. She delivered a healthy full term baby boy, Sam, with no complications. Mary breastfed Sam for two weeks. Mary did suffer from Post-Partum Depression (PPD), and we referred her to counseling and to a PCP (Primary Care Providers). Mary did seek treatment for PPD with full recovery. Baby Sam grew but did not pass milestones. Mary’s grandparents provided childcare for him, but they kept him confined to a play area to keep up with his activity (they were in their 80’s). They loved him but Sam was not receiving the stimulation and engagement he needed for development. CHIP referred Sam to Early Intervention Services to begin receiving help with his developmental delays and to the Developmental Clinic for an assessment. CHIP also referred Mary to DSS (Department of Social Services) to see if she qualified for a childcare stipend and she was awarded! Sam has been going to Day Care where he gets interaction and socialization. Sam continues to be non-verbal, but his motor skills are slowly catching up. Mary and Sam have now moved out of her grandparents’ basement into a duplex. We have seen Mary grow as a parent and become self-sufficient. She has allowed us to partner with and support her in many of the major life decisions she has faced. Last week Mary came by the CHIP office for assistance with completing Sam’s Head Start application so that it would be ready when he turns three.
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NRCA’s Emergency Assistance & Food Pantries serve low-income families and individuals who are experiencing financial instability. Temporary assistance may include food, voucher payments for utilities, rent, non-opioid medications, clothing, or fuel for transportation. Each site operates a food pantry that is reliant on donations from the community. Community Service Workers provide information and referrals to help consumers obtain needed support.
The Floyd County Backpack Program provides students with supplemental food on the weekends. Moose Lodge and other volunteers purchase, pack, and distribute food weekly during the school year in partnership with the school system. NRCA serves as the fiscal agent for the Blacksburg Interfaith Food Pantry , a joint food ministry of twenty-five Blacksburg area faith-based congregations.
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A family contacted us regarding their mother who was back in the hospital battling cancer. They stated their mother was in the final stages of her fight and had fallen behind in her bills due to going back and forth to medical appointments. Emergency
Assistance paid the mortgage, electric bill, water bill, and assisted with food for the family.
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NRCA’s Virginia CARES program is a community-based effort to assist individuals returning from jail or prison. Services include emergency aid (food, clothing, shelter, and transportation), job readiness instruction, employment search, lifeskills education, and support groups. Through linkages with community resources, Virginia CARES provides opportunities for returning citizens to become self-reliant, law-abiding, and taxpaying members of society. The program reduces recidivism by helping formerly incarcerated individuals obtain the skills and support they need to reintegrate into their home communities. NRCA’s Virginia CARES is sub contractor of Virginia CARES, Inc. NRCA provided 6 pre-releases and 94 newly released ex-offenders with assistance and support to promote a successful transition from prison or jail to the community. ■ ■ ■ ■ J had been in Dillwyn Correctional for 2 years and had no place to live. Thankfully, the New River Valley Reentry Council and District 28 Probation and Parole office were able to place him in their transitional house. J came out with very few belongings and absolutely no support and all of this during a Pandemic. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, participants had to be more self motivated and self-sufficient than ever before. Staff were able to quickly pick up and deliver clothing and a cell phone to J. A cell phone may seem trivial but during the pandemic it was the only way for staff to successfully work with clients considering the inability to meet clients face to face. Staff began supporting J daily via phone calls providing education and support designed to improve interview skills, and case management services to ensure a successful transition. J never missed a beat and was goal-oriented from the moment he was released. He began working with the Employment Specialist who helped connect him with local staffing agencies with employment opportunities within walking distance of his transitional home. Within 2 weeks of release J began working at a local factory. J would take the bus to work and walk or ride a battery-operated scooter through rain and even snow for his 3rd shift position. Eight months later, J has not only maintained a job but has been promoted to supervisor and received a raise. Thanks to “Manna House,” J has obtained his own apartment. J continues to give back to the community by serving as a mentor to the men currently residing at the Manna House. He attends monthly stakeholder meetings and monthly potluck dinners the NRV Reentry Council holds for residents. The NRCA Virginia CARES relationship with the District 28 Probation office, along with many other community partnerships make success stories like J’s possible.
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The Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program is an IRS initiative designed to support free tax preparation service for the underserved. This service helps low- to moderate-income individuals, persons with disabilities, the elderly, and limited English speakers file their taxes each year. While
VITA has a target audience the program does not set limitations that require special circumstances to file, currently anyone with income less than $60,000 is eligible for free tax preparation services through VITA. VITA volunteers complete prior year returns, amended returns and ITIN (International Taxpayer Identification Number) in addition to basic returns. VITA is staffed by volunteers who want to make a difference in their communities. NRCA is partnered with Radford University to allow college students to volunteer for professional experience before graduation. Ms. S came in with a friend stating that she was there to only file her state taxes and was adamant that was all she needed to file. During the intake it was discovered she was retired, a non-filer and the long-time legal guardian and primary caregiver of her granddaughter. Ms. S was told that regardless of her status as a non-filer, she could file her federal return to receive the Child Tax Credit and the Advanced Child Tax Credit. After completing her return, Ms. S was to receive almost $5,000. She was informed that VITA volunteers could also file for 2019 and 2020. She stated that her granddaughter needed clothes, a computer for school and dental work. Ms. S reported that she cried every night about not having the resources to meet her granddaughter's needs. She returned to the office to allow us to prepare her previous year's returns and it resulted in her receiving almost $10,000.
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NRCA’s Whole Family Approach (WFA) aims to break the cycle of intergenerational poverty. AWhole Family Approach is integrated with other programs and not siloed in nature; it is an organizational mindset that supports a set of systems and practices that place children and their parents at the center. New River Community Action’s (NRCA)
Whole Family Approach focuses on helping families set whole-family goals for both parents, children, and the family. Additionally, WFA prioritizes transitioning from “managing cases” to “coaching” families to drive their own progress. Parents and children in low-income families often lack wrap around supports and resources needed to move towards self-sufficiency. WFA provides and connects families to services that address their unique needs, which may include access to high quality early childhood education, health and well-being supports, post-secondary and employment pathways, economic supports, and social capital. NRCA offers employment specialized coaching through WFA to help families meet their employment and financial goals. Family centered coaching is the core of our WFA, using this tool, families are encouraged to create comprehensive, reasonable, and self-sufficiency driven goal plans. Coaches then help families meet their goals, which results in increased self-sufficiency and improved well being for the entire family. Currently, due to pilot program status, only CHIP (Children’s Health Improvement Partnership) and Head Start families living in Giles and Pulaski counties are eligible for WFA services. ■ ■ ■ ■ When one of our families enrolled on November 2, 2020, they were at the beginning of their substance abuse recovery journey. Mr. P and his wife turned their lives around and decided it was time to create a better life for their four children. They quickly enrolled their youngest daughter in NRCA’s Head Start program. Valuing and understanding the importance of education, the family committed to ensuring stimulating and educational activities where available for their children, they developed and achieved goals centered around prioritizing their mental and physical health so they could provide a healthy and thriving environment for their whole family. Mr. P and his wife knew they wanted to give back to the community, and peer support was the next step for them. During their time in Whole Family, they completed Peer Support Certifications, and now have paid internships working as Peer Support Specialists, while attending New River Community College where they are studying for associate degrees in human services. Recently, Mr. P was elected to New River Community Action’s Board of Directors and the family is thrilled about this opportunity to create real change in the community. Since enrollment in Whole Family, the household’s income has more than doubled, and this family is on the path to success.
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New River Community Action’s Head Start (HS) has provided pre school services for over 50 years. Our service area spans 22 classrooms in 8 Head Start facilities and 5 blended sites located in elementary schools across the New River Valley. Research has proven Head Start programs give children the tools they need to succeed in kindergarten and beyond. Our comprehensive approach supports each child’s health and academic development. Our classrooms use the Creative Curriculum. This research based curriculum promotes each child's growth in all developmental areas, social/emotional, physical, cognitive, math, language and literacy, while also teaching about the creative arts. We are currently expanding our outdoor play spaces, to include additional learning experiences in a natural environment. In addition to the Creative We are currently expanding our outdoor play spaces, to include additional learning ex environment. In addition to the Creative Curriculum, our classrooms participate in a t model called PBIS, Positive Based Interventions and Supports. Our pre-school experie home/school partnership where parents are supported as their child's first and most This home/school partnership promotes family well-being, positive parent-child relati kindergarten success. Children whose parents or guardians engage in their education grades and test scores, have better attendance and feel positive about their school ex
14 | N E W R I V E R C O M M U N I T Y A C T I O N NRCA Head Start served 49,496 breakfasts and lunches as children resumed a traditio environment. Through community partnerships, many meals were delivered to famili At the end of our enrollment year for 2021-22, 360 children were reported to have an accessible healthcare. 205 were reported to have access to dental care. 26 children re
Curriculum, our classrooms participate in a trauma-informed interactions model called PBIS, Positive Based Interventions and Supports. Our pre school experience is complemented by a home/school partnership where parents are supported as their child's first and most important teacher and advocate. This home/school partnership promotes family well-being, positive parent-child relationships, and the skills needed for kindergarten success. Children whose parents or guardians engage in their education are more likely to achieve higher grades and test scores, have better attendance and feel positive about their school experience. NRCA Head Start served 49,496 breakfasts and lunches as children resumed a traditional in-person learning environment. Through community partnerships, many meals were delivered to families’ homes. At the end of our enrollment year for 2021-22, 360 children were reported to have an ongoing source of continuous and accessible healthcare. 205 were reported to have access to dental care. 26 children received medical treatment for vision problems. 315 children were reported as up-to-date on all immunizations appropriate for their age.
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Rev. George Ducker Scho l ar shi p Award
Ms. Parker Pattishall received the Rev. George Ducker Scholarship Award. The Rev. George Ducker Scholarship Award is given in memory of the Reverend George L. Ducker, member of the New River Community Action Board of Directors (1986-1992), Pastor of the Presbyterian Church of Radford, Radford City School Boardmember and United Way Board member, community leader and passionate advocate of quality education for all.
Parker is a first-generation college student and has overcome many obstacles and hurdles in her life. Parker now attends George Mason University where she studies Criminology-Law and Society.
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Kiwanis Club of Christiansburg was named NRCA’s Community Supporter of the Year. Communi t y Suppor ter o f the Year
The Community Supporter of the Year Award recognizes an
organization that gave time, services, and/or other resources to NRCA, helped New River Community Action advance its mission, and had a positive influence and impact on the community. The Kiwanis Club of Christiansburg provides food, furniture, and appliances to NRCA families in need. The organization provides snack bags to the children at Christiansburg Head Start every Friday. They provide hams for all families at Thanksgiving and Christmas.
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NRCA’s Phi l ip M. Sadler Communi ty Ser vice Award for Volunteer of the Year
Chip Venie received NRCA’s Philip M. Sadler Community Service Award for Volunteer of Year. The Philip M. Sadler Community Service Award for NRCA Volunteer of the Year is given in memory of Philip M. Sadler, a Pulaski attorney, community leader and humanitarian. Mr. Sadler was an active supporter of New River Community Action, Pulaski County Emergency Needs Task Force, New River Valley Habitat for Humanity, Pulaski Free Clinic, March of Dimes, Hensel Eckman YMCA, SHARE, and many other community projects serving citizens in need. Mr. Venie is a volunteer with the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program, completing 95 volunteer hours. Chip performed various duties while working with the program including training other volunteers, intakes, tax preparation, quality reviews, financial counseling, coaching, and mentoring the new site coordinator. He was an invaluable asset to the agency and the consumers he served.
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Anonymous Abundant Dawn Community Church Alan Panchal Alan Raflo Alanna Lester Alex Jeffries Alex Miner Alexander Black Alexander Poetter Alice Kinder and Steven Spillane Allante Nelson Amanda Smith Amanda Swift AmazonSmile Amber Nai Ameriprise Financial Amir Meshkati Shahmirzadi Andre' Bynum Andrea Schuman Andrew Nall Angela and Jonathan Anderson Angela E. and Keith B. Nunn Allen Redcay Allison Knight Allyn and Jasper Eanes Amanda Herrington
Blacksburg United Methodist Church Blair and Madeline Brainard Blue Roads Education Group
Crux Subsurface, Incl Cynthia and Joseph Womack Daniel and Amy Stilwell Daniel Arroyo-Flores Daniel Felkel Danna Agmon David and Jennifer Catalano David and Sara Bell
Bonnie Roberts Braden Maresco Bradley and Amber Pogue Brantley Thomas Brennan Shepard Bright Funds Brown Insurance Buffalo Mountain Presbyterian Calvin Lee Calvin Ribbens
David Bevan David Garza David Gaskill
David Harkinson David Kingston David Lehn
Can Dogan Carl Zipper Carla Slebodnick Carol Turpin Carol Wellington
Debbie Francis Deborah Milly Debra and Mark Smith Debra Webb Delores and Marvin Bland Dennis and Diane Catley
Caroline Sallee Carolyn Meier Carrie Browder Carter and Kay Craigie Family Foundation Cary Busby Catherine Breese Catherine Cotrupi Catherine Kindred Catherine Pauley Catherine Piche Cathy Biltz Cathy McDowell Celanese Foundation Channing Wong Charles and Diane Hoover
Derek Scheidt Derry E. Hutt Destiny Pleasant Diana Alexander
Diana Iovan Diane Patty
Disciples Womens Ministries – Blacksburg Christian Church Dmbjm Stream Don and Corey Barber Doris Poetter Dr. Arnold and Margaret Poole Dwelling Place Christian Fellowship Earl Wilkins Ed Dorsa Edgewood United Methodist Church Edward Champion Edwin D. Croy Eileen Baumann Elizabeth Dunnington Elizabeth Ferguson Elizabeth McGowan Ellen and Leo Piilonen Ellett Valley Pentecostal Holiness Church Eloise Funkhouser Elva and Deborah Miller Emily Metzgar Eric and Ester Hallerman Eric Bauer
Angela Prince Ann A Shank
Ann Choate Anna Bosco Anna C. Frye Anne and Jerald Robinson Annie Patrick Anonymous Arnold and Verna Schuetz Arthur Buikema Ashley Brockington
Charles Burress, Jr. Charles Dickerson Charles Ferst Charles P Schade Cheryl Freeman Chris McDowell
Ashley Dugan Ashley Spinks Atmos Energy Corporation Avia Gul Bauers-Wall Family Foundation Bear Dance Market Benjamin Corl and Julia Burger Beth Bodnar Beverly B. Fleming Billy Weitzenfeld Blacksburg Baptist Church Blacksburg Breakfast Lions Club Blacksburg Chapter AARP Blacksburg Christian Church Blacksburg Christian Fellowship Blacksburg First Church Of God Blacksburg Friends Meeting Blacksburg Jewish Community Center Blacksburg Master Chorale Blacksburg Presbyterian Church Blacksburg Presbyterian Women of the Church
Christ Episcopal Church Christ Wesleyan Church Christi Wayne Christian Ministries Foundation Christian Peterson Christiansburg Presbyterian Church Christopher Fritsch Cindy and Thomas Hall Cindy Barden Circe Cooke Coldwell Banker Townside Realtors Community Christian Church Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro Connor Rotondi Cooper Rapp Corp Of Cadets Courtney Melchione
Erica Jones Erich Hester Ericka Leer Esther Thorne Ethan and Lauren Colliver Eugene and Joan Cliff Evelyn D. Ratcliffe
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Everett B. Peterson Charitable Fund Fairlawn Baptist Church Fairlawn Presbyterian Church Fairlawn Presbyterian Church Women
James and Megan Dickhans James and Roberta Littlefield James Collier James Copenheaver James Gilbert James Hall James Hamon James McReynolds James Schuyler James W McAllister, Jr Jana W Ruble Jane and Jeffrey Hammel Jane Mahone Janet R Shelburne Janice Litschert Jasen and Michelle Olsen Jason Lancaster Jay Wertman Jean M Cobb Jeffrey and Andrea Perez Jeffrey Hickman Jeffrey Kidd Jenna Evans Jennifer Halahan Jerome and Judith Derenthal Jerome Taylor Jerry Ford, Jr Jessica and David Goldsmith Jewish Communal Fund Jianmin Wang Jim Kline Joan Dickinson Joanna Watts Joanne Hall Joel Herbein and Andrea Lengi Joel McGlothlin JoEllen Walker John and Donna Knarr John and Dorothy LaFlamme John Lucas John McEnhill John Williams Jolyn Foundation Jonathan Dubovsky Jonathan Petters Joseph and Michelle Fortier Joseph Ivers
Kamala L. Bauers Karen Roberto Karin Kitchens Karl and Hiltrudj Kroemer
Fay S Hoy Charitable Fund Featherston Foundation First Bank & Trust Company First Baptist Church First Church Of God First Citizens Bank and Trust Floyd Baptist Church
Katarzyna Fthenos Katharine Cleland Katherine Adams
Kathleen Morris Kathleen Myers Kathleen Partsch Kathleen Ray Katie Marschalko Katie Price Katrina Dohman Keith and Suzanne Gay Kelly Finnegan Kelly Rosario Kenneth and Hildur Hannsgen Kenneth Glossbrenner
Floyd County Angels Ministries, Inc Floyd County Ministerial Association Floyd County Retired Teachers Association Follett Food City Frank and Barbara Perrini Frank E Woeste Fred and Nancy Mignone Frieda and Charles Bostian Gary Seidel Gary Woods Beneficiary GE Foundation Gence Yalcin George Simmons GFWC Floyd County Woman's Club, Inc. Give Lively Foundation Giving Foundation Glenda and Charles Brouwer Gloria and Howard Moses Gordon and Candice Alphonso Gordon and Velva Groover Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church Grace Finch Graham Sligh Graham Studwell Grant Bommer Gregory Harman Gretchen and Theodore Voigt Grove United Methodist Women Gunin Kiran Harini Sooryanarain Harry Farmer HCA Healthcare Henry Trochlil
Kenneth Keith Kenneth Moore Kerry Brisco Kevin and Christa Honaker Kevin Omeara Kimberlee Gresham Kollmorgen Krista Dudley Carpenter Kristen Ducote and Jennifer Hubbard
Kristi DeCourcy Kristin Conrad Kristin Copenhaver Kristin Fitzgerald Kroger Kroger Community Rewards Krystal Thompson Kyle Nield L.M. Skwierawski Larry Cowley
Larry Fischbach, Sr. Lars Hemmendinger Laura & Chia Tze
Laura Abner Laura Coffey Laura Strawn and Steven Rideout Laurie Riner Lawrence and Anne Wright Lawrence Miller Layel Zelazny Leanne Brownlee Dog Training, LLC Leanne D Mitchell Lee Slusher Lesley Farmer Linda Clifford Lindsey Barts Lindsey Gilmer and Kevin Byrd Lisa and Jeffrey Highfield Lisa Becksford
Henry Yaffe Holly Cline Holly Kindsvater Holly McFall Hona Lee Harrington Ignacio Guerrero Irene Jacobs
Joseph McCabe Joseph Mensch Joseph Merola and Catherine DuBreuil
Joshua Dugan Joshua Gooch Joshua Seplak Josie and Carl Stoots Judith Milne Furr Judy Nye Julie Willard
Isabelle Mehochko J. Alden Baker Ellery J.P and J.K Wightman J.W. Shelor Jack Fox Jaime Ferguson James and Jennifer Biedler
June Gardner justgracesmile Justin Askins Justin Grady
Lisa Belden Lisa Evanylo Llyn Sharp Lucas Brugh
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Lucian and Marjorie Robinson Luther Memorial Lutheran Church Lyn T Day Lynn D. Pape
Michael Conatser Michael Friedlander Michael Genthner
Regina Atkins Revathi Balakrishnan and Mary Rhodes Rich Creek Lions Club Richard Roth Richard Wokutch Roanoke Valley Presbyterian Church Robert and Julie Settlage Robert and Karen Howe Robert and Karen Jones Robert Briggs Robert Gill Roberta Dianne Toney Rodrigo Hernandez Roger Gough Rotary Club of Blacksburg Foundation Roy Guynn Runabout Sports Russell Crow Ruth Yadlowsky Ryan Chilton Ryan Holcomb Ryan Underwood Salle A. Gill Sandra B. Weeks Robert and Barbara Grange Robert and Jean Wenderlich
Michael Griggs Michael Lucas
M Joan Brown Mabelle Bloker Mac McArthur-Fox Madeline Gozzi Madeline Thompson
Michael Lyne Michael S Leib Michael Sirdofsky Michael Sorice Michelle Harding
Mahendra Singh Makenzie Bourne Marcia Anne Parks Margaret and AndrewWarren Margaret and Bill Hrezo Margaret Ann Knight
Mikhail Gordon Mildred Owen Miriam Farzayee Miriam Piilonen Morgan Thistle Mt. Tabor Ruritan Club Nancy K Murray Natalie and Mark Cherbaka
Margaret G Black Margaret O Laing Margaret Zelinski Maria Garlock Maria Gilbert Marie Martin Marie Paget Marilyn and Rich Rio Marilyn Cavell Mark Cox Mark Cunningham Mark Phillips Mark Woelfel Marshall G. Overstreet Marvin Blecher Mary Ann Parcher Mary Helen Wolfe Mary Holtzapple Mary Howe Mary Jane Zody Mary Maxine Lewis Mary Rordam Mary Seyler Mary V. Goodykoontz Maryam Kamran Matthew Gabriele Matthew Layman Matthew Sisson Matthew Swartzwelder McKinley Anders Megan Doney Mehdi Ahmadian Melanie Fox Melissa Dodson
Natalie Kennedy Nathan Kliewer
Nathan Talbot National Bank Neil and Marcia Shumsky Neil Dubner, MD New River Endodontics New River Valley Health Foundation Nicholas Campbell Nicki & Miguel Martin Northside Presbyterian Church NRV Green MOB Oasis Church Odesseas Fthenos Owen William Roberts P K Alston Pamela and Gerald Teaster Parker Mabe Patricia Donovan Patrick Burton Patrick McSorley Paul Krumhaus Peter Potter and Tracy Vosburgh Phillip Hassall Phyllis T. Albritton Piper Durrell Pleasant View Farms of Virginia Presbyterian Church of Floyd Presbyterian Church of Radford Rachael Lubitz Rachel Baker Rachel Gabriele Radford University Interior Design Department Randy Kasey
Sandra Birch Sandra Smith Sara Bohn Sarah Daggett Sarah Greene Sarah Hoffman Sarah Iler Sarah Jacob
Sarah Redmond Scott Katznelson Scott Wilson Scotty and Diane Bolling Serena Meinhold Shannon Eastwood Sheila West Sherilynn Lovelace Edwards Sherry Bao Shirley Cline Shirley Murphy Sigma Phi Delta St. Jude Catholic Church
Mason McCray Matt Harrison Matthew David & Kellee Grace Moll
St. Mary's Roman Catholic Church St. Paul United Methodist Church St. Paul United Methodist Church Women St. Philip's Anglican Church Stacy King Steve and Lois Mihaylo Foundation Steve Oakey Steven Fesmire Stonewall Home and Garden Club Stuart and Marci Bradbury Sub Valley Corp Sue and Daniel Camden Sunshine Lahmers
Melissa Jones Melissa Makris Melissa Obrien Melody Warnick
Randy Pannell Ranusia Howe
Ray & Maxine Scott Raymond Cosgrove Rebecca Goad Rebecca Norton
Michael and Kari Stohler Michael and Lisa Kidwell Michael and Margaret Slayton Michael Ankrum Michael Boyd and Karen Torgersen
Rebecca Riley Rebecca Will
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Susan McCrea Susan Miller Susan Riter & Sarah E Neely Susan Sutheimer
Thomas Ollendick Thomas Short Thuja Jameson Timothy and Sarah Warburton Tonia Winn Tori Williams Trent Studdard Trillium Garden Club
William F & Karen S Hopper WilliamMonroe William Neely William Schneider William T. and Mary Lee Hendricks William T. Price
Susan Truelove Suzanne Miller Suzanne Tosini Sydney Szabos Tara Shorafa
Willis Homemakers Winnie Drummond
Unitarian Universalist Congregation United Steelworkers Local #1022 United We Stand Ministries Vanguard Equity Income Fund Admiral Shares Virginia Cox Vista Ministries
Zachary Bear Zackary Sekel
TD Ameritrade Clearing Ted and Emily Petrovic Li Ted and Terry Smusz
Zackary Underwood Zeynep Ambarkutuk Zina Greene Zindel Jackson
Teresa Cassell Terry H. Martin
The Benevity Community Impact Fund The German Club Alumni Foundation
Walter Tatera Wanda Dean Will Hom
We ask forgiveness from any donor we might have inadvertently left off our list. Please contact 540-633-5133 ext. 415 with any corrections.
The Good Coin Foundation Thomas and Beatrice Mills Thomas and Emily Crawford Thomas and Martha Olson
William and Mary Hallauer William and Natalie Rascher
Agency on Aging Belmont Christian Church Blacksburg Baptist Church Blacksburg Presbyterian Church Blacksburg United Methodist Church
Home Consortium of Blacksburg Housing Partnership of the NRV Internal Revenue Service Jessie Peterman Memorial Library June Bug Center Luther Memorial Lutheran Church McHarg Elementary School Micah's Backpack Montgomery County Jail Montgomery County Public Schools Montgomery Department of Social Services Mt. Olivet United Methodist Church New Life Christian Fellowship New River Community College New River Community Services New River Family Shelter New River Valley Regional Jail NRV Cares NRV Reentry Council Our Saviour Lutheran Church Oxford House Pathways Pearisburg First United Methodist Church Pembroke First United Methodist Church PLENTY Presbyterian Church of Floyd Prison Re-entry Council Radford City Radford City Housing Choice Voucher Program Radford City Public Schools Radford Department of Social Services
Radford Fairlawn Ministerial Association Radford Probation and Parole Radford University RSVP (Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) Salem VA (Veterans Affairs) Medical Center St. Mary's Catholic Church St. Michael's Lutheran Church St. Paul United Methodist Church TAP The New River/Mount Rogers Workforce Development Board The River Town of Blacksburg Town of Christiansburg Toys For Tots Unitarian Universalist Congregation United Way of the NRV Virginia Community Action Partnership (VACAP) VEC/Workforce/Good Will
Bland Correctional Blue Ridge Church Carilion Clinic Christiansburg Kiwanis Citizens City of Refuge Community Foundation NRV
Community Health Center of the NRV Virginia Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) Dr. Berry Embrace Healthy Solutions Fast Track Health Care Education First Baptist Church Radford First Presbyterian Pulaski First United Methodist Church Floyd County Public Schools Floyd Initiative for Safe Housing (FISH) Floyd MD Team Giles County Christian Mission Giles County Department of Social Services Giles County Public Schools Glade Church Goodwill Industries Grove United Methodist Church Habitat for Humanity NRV Healthy Floyd
Virginia Housing West End Market Women of Presbyterian Church Women's Resource Center Workforce Development Board Workforce Unlimited
We ask forgiveness from any partner we might have inadvertently left off our list. Please contact 540-633-5133 ext. 415 with any corrections.
Holy Family Catholic Church Holy Spirit Catholic Church
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1093 East Main Street Radford, VA. 24141 (540) 633-5133
HOUSING CONNECTIONS 4 East Main Street, Suite 200 Christiansburg, 24073 (540) 381-8101
706 Harding Avenue Blacksburg, VA 24060 (540) 951-8134
EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE & HOUSING COUNSELING FLOYD CHIP, BABY & TODDLER SHOP (540) 745-2211 120 Epperly Mill Road, SW Floyd, VA. 24091 (540)745-2102 GILES BABY AND TODDLER SHOP GILES CHIP (540) 726-2252 211 North Main Street Narrows, VA 24124 (540) 394-3255
90 College Street, Suite B Christiansburg, VA 24073 (540) 394-3255
MONTGOMERY EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE HOUSING COUNSELING 400 West Main Street Christiansburg, VA 24073 (540) 382-6186 PULASKI EMERGENCY ASSISTANCE (540) 980-5525 VITA (540) 320-3217 1412 North Jefferson Avenue Pulaski, VA 24301 (540) 980-5525
516 Wenonah Avenue Pearisburg, VA 24134 (540) 921-2146
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BLACKSBURG HEAD START Blacksburg Presbyterian Church
GILES HEAD START 109 Old Virginia Ave. Rich Creek, VA 24147 (540) 726-2700 1105 Henson Avenue Pearisburg, VA 24134 (540) 921-2355
701 Church Street SE Blacksburg, VA 24060 (540) 552-0490 Margaret Beeks 709 Airport Road Blacksburg, VA 24060 (540)951-5700
Macy McClaugherty Elementary School 1001 Henson Avenue Pearisburg, VA 24134 (540) 921-1362
CHRISTIANSBURG HEAD START 135 Church Street Christiansburg, VA 24073 (540) 381-7559
PULASKI HEAD START 1520 Bob White Blvd. Pulaski, VA 24301 (540) 994-5740
FLOYD HEAD START 120 Epperly Mill Road, SW Floyd, VA. 24091 (540)745-2120 Check Elementary School 6810 Floyd Highway N. Copper Hill, VA 24079 (540) 745-9464 ext. 1610 Willis Elementary School 5075 Floyd Hwy South Floyd, VA 24383 (540)745-9430
Early Learning Center New River Community College
5251 College Drive Dublin, VA 24084 (540) 674-3600 ext. 4429 RADFORD HEAD START First Baptist Church
215 Third Avenue Radford, VA 24141 (540) 731-4107
McHarg Elementary School 700 Twelfth Street Radford, VA 24141 (540) 731-3652 ext. 3032
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NRCA Board o f Di rector s
Tonia Winn John McEnhill Robert “Lee” Simpkins Corbin Vierling Kelly Patton
Melissa Dodson Elaine Hawkins Powell
Kimberly Fernandez Michael Grigsby Gina Rhea Linda Baylor Dr. Boyoung Park
Joe Guthrie Serena Ming Aline Brinckman
CHI P Adv i sor y Counc i l FY2022 Noelle Bissell Amanda Talbert RN Erin G. Cruise, RN, MSN Melissa Dodson Ashley Hash Kelly Edmonson Amber Stevers Rhonda Seltz Head Star t Po l i cy Counc i l FY2022 Brittany Burns Leah Riddle Edith Ojeda-Lopez Kathryn Queen Lauren Dalton Marina Simpson
Brandy McPeak Alyssa Berryman Andi Golusky Katrina Watson
Mon-Cheri Robinson Mumtaz Laskar Stephanie Smith – community rep
To Our House Po l i cy Counc i l FY2022 Bill King
Susan Madison Cindy Turner Jan Jackson
Melanie Smith Rebecca Rees Vanessa Duncan
Brenda Roberts Morris Fleischer
Bl acksburg I nter fa i th Food Pant r y Adv i sor y Board Member s 2022 -2023 Sandy Hagman Mike Snyder Andrea Muscatello Beth Abel Michelle Harding John Low Dick Neves Jerry Robinson Stephen Skripak Mike Whaley Donald Williams
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The New River Community Action 2021-2022 Annual Report is dedicated to the memory of Virginia Beaver Price A beloved employee of NRCA for 32 years, Ms. Price of Floyd, VA was 87 years old.
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