NRCA_AnnualReport_PROOF7 3-16-23
New River Community Action’s Head Start (HS) has provided pre school services for over 50 years. Our service area spans 22 classrooms in 8 Head Start facilities and 5 blended sites located in elementary schools across the New River Valley. Research has proven Head Start programs give children the tools they need to succeed in kindergarten and beyond. Our comprehensive approach supports each child’s health and academic development. Our classrooms use the Creative Curriculum. This research based curriculum promotes each child's growth in all developmental areas, social/emotional, physical, cognitive, math, language and literacy, while also teaching about the creative arts. We are currently expanding our outdoor play spaces, to include additional learning experiences in a natural environment. In addition to the Creative We are currently expanding our outdoor play spaces, to include additional learning ex environment. In addition to the Creative Curriculum, our classrooms participate in a t model called PBIS, Positive Based Interventions and Supports. Our pre-school experie home/school partnership where parents are supported as their child's first and most This home/school partnership promotes family well-being, positive parent-child relati kindergarten success. Children whose parents or guardians engage in their education grades and test scores, have better attendance and feel positive about their school ex
14 | N E W R I V E R C O M M U N I T Y A C T I O N NRCA Head Start served 49,496 breakfasts and lunches as children resumed a traditio environment. Through community partnerships, many meals were delivered to famili At the end of our enrollment year for 2021-22, 360 children were reported to have an accessible healthcare. 205 were reported to have access to dental care. 26 children re
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